I am now on yaycation!
The purple pride hair is long gone. I dyed over it with black. This looked... terrible. I shaved the beard off except for the long patch under my lip, and it now looks better, but still suboptimal. I miss my beard already with its fuzziness and chin-enhancing properties. I also wish I had dyed that patch of hair that is left down there. It looks weird being mostly blond with the black hair.
I am now pretty much ready for camping! Plans have changed, so instead of a leisurely morning with me needing to be ready to go for 10 tomorrow, I now need to be up at Yorkdale for 6:45 am. So I need to get up *earlier* than usual! The reasons for this make sense, so I am not upset, just somewhat startled. (wait! I forgot about bananas, chocolate and chili! Those shouldn't go until tomorrow, but I had forgotten about them, I write this to remind myself tomorrow.) I also still need to make trail mix.
pez_minotaur will be by soon to pick up 95% of my gear.
Shit! Just realised that my plans to do laundry tomorrow morning to free up the remaining items of clothing I want to take will not work. Time to go violate the operating hours on the building's laundry room. See you all Monday.