
Jul 17, 2006 13:32


Friday was date night with the Lizard - Echo Sushi, and then Pirates 2. Pirates 2 was too silly for my tastes - the slapstick was over the top, and the villains were too goofy. The sushi was good, though.


Saturday, there was laundry. Then, off to the fabulous not_matt's housewarming! Sadly, we were only there a short while when my pager went off. I answerted it, and went to the car to grab my laptop to attend to the issue. The laptop was not there. I had, in fact, left it at home. So I had to rush back home, leaving our lovely host and my lovely lizard. I fought with the problem awhile, then headed back to the party, now with corwin77 and mycrazyhair in tow, and a somewhat higher stress level. We managed to get there just as some people were heading out, but did at least get some socializing in.

From there, StB (aka corwin77, aka Sean the Bastard) went to the Dresden Dolls concert that had someone else playing after them. The concert was at the Molson Amphitheatre, and since it's summer, the place was so busy that we paid $20 to park on the lawn at the far edge of the Ontario Centre land, under a big sign. The concert itself was shorter than the time we spent waiting for it to start (an hour vs. over 90 minutes), but since DD were only opening, and one of the other opening bands got caught at the border, we didn't make out too badly. The headliner, Panic at the Disco, are apparently very popular with the 12-16 year old girl crowd, so I felt like a creepy old man.


Sunday, the forecasted weather was 37 C, before humidex. That is roughly human body temperature, for those keeping track. After breakfast, StB and I headed downtown with selfishidol and dairymilk. Then, we spent six hours walking through Toronto, in 37 degree weather, while I looked for things from my shopping list. I got some, but not all the things.

I how have a wash pan for camping, rubber soled tabi, a journal for my spiritual stuff, a folding luggage cart, and a new pair of combat boots, which don't fit. I found only one place selling sarongs, and none of them were my style. I may just make do with the one sarong we are using as a curtain in the bedroom. I also got two palm sized patches of mild sunburn on my shoulders where I didn't get enough sunscreen - I clearly need to be getting people to help me put sunscreen on my back. Which may be important at KScope. And perhaps, I ought to add a tube of witch vera to my list of things to take.

I am hoping to grab the mosquito netting for the gazebo of doom tonight, and pick up the remaining downtown stuff on Thursday before meeting up with folks.

I held out for most of the wander yesterday, but near the end, I decided I wasn't thirsty when, in fact, I was dehydrated to the point where I was no longer sweating, so I crashed during dinner.

Today, I am irritable and pissy. I went to Body Combat class at lunch and burned off some aggression, so we shall see how that affects my snarling misanthropy moving forward.

We have no A/C at home, primarily because I haven't found the time to measure the wall opening for it and go buy one. It is unlikely that I will have time for that until mid august at this point. Pray for Mojo...

toys, kscope, god damn the sun, update

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