“The good things, which belong to prosperity, are to be wished; but the good things, that belong to adversity, are to be admired.”
-Francis Bacon
In a mainframe society of media crazed zombies, what is important tends to lose focus at an alarming rate. Greed is the number one corrupter of morals today. No one wants to wish for prosperity, they want to get it, and they want to get it now.
The haste we put on ourselves, voluntarily, I might add, only serves to bring us down as a culture or society. World trends should get more attention than United States trends. Like the Monroe Doctrine pledged to stop the spread of communism, we need anti-Capitalism sentiment movement going on here.
The United States strives to make itself look like a caring nurturer of the world, when all we do is take out one dictator for another. It is ridiculous. The U.N. sure does not have the balls to stand up the “great” US of A, but until the time when someone chooses to stand up and fight back, the United States will continue to press its “opinions” on the third-world solar system.
If things were done simpler, better, and more laid-back like in the old days, I think we could be a lot better off as a race. Back when minorities and women knew their place, and back when people did not like change, but where forced into its wily guiles. The key to advancement of the planet cannot be found in technology, but sociology.
The way groups of people interact with others, nation-state relations, their position relative the supposed “world governing body” United Nations; these are all grand examples of what needs to come about. Alcohol, cigarettes, pot, should all be legal for any age, and defiantly not so frowned upon.
I don’t know how many times I have seen an anti-tobacco commercial and lit one out of spite. It’s not like the tobacco company executives killed people, those people chose to kill them own selves. So fuck that bullshit.
And pot?!? Well shit, it is less harmful to you than any other kind of substance you could take. Even Tylenol and caffeine do more damage to your body than cannabis. It may true that one joint contains four time the carcinogens that a cigarette does? People smoke way more cigarettes than joints. Almost every bad thing said about pot was either blatant propaganda or studies that have now been proven wrong. Not to mention that there is no single reported death from weed, and no possible way to measure its LD-50.
http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/cannabis_faq1.shtml”But no, the federal government chooses to put weed as a more harmful and dangerous drug class than fucking cocaine. They go in and arrest people dying of aids because they have State-prescribed cannabis, but it is illegal federally. I mean, how much fucking bullshit is that?
Once we can move past the little things like substance abuse, class loyalty, and undue prejudice, then, as a society, we can begin to make true steps toward the advancement of human race as a whole.