(no subject)

Mar 31, 2004 21:42

i have so much silk screening to do. i should hire a sweat shop. maybe them Morrissey could write a song about me a nd my poor employees.
to do:
*finish the projects i SAID i did
*start a new drawing of Hilter so she can be immortilized in silkscreen poppy coloured goodness.
*get sunday of as to complete the above mentioned
*FIND my bloody wallet.
*get this fucked hair cut so that it can no longer be identified as fucked.
*write 2 lame papers about art that is old.
*find a new sports coat.
*perfect the hand drawn mustache for the show next wednesday.
*procrastinate it all so i can sulk in the unhealthy stress that is so normal to me i think i may actually prefer it.
* return the baby to its owner.. i think t may actually be glued to the right side of my couch.
*burn a few cds that need to be place in rightful hands.
* read the book i bought.
*turn off my T.V.
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