Oct 02, 2007 09:04
I know most of the people who read this aren't in the Worcester area but I figure it's worth a shot.
Please adopt a cat!!!!
There is this cat that likes to sleep on my porch. He/she is soooo adorable, and I want to take him in, but my schedule makes this impossible. He is really really friendly. Defiantly likes people. He's a stray so he's a little skidish but he warms up to you quickly. I don't want to just leave him outside, especially now that it's starting to get cold. Does anyone want him? If money is a problem I will help pay for any expenses need. I mean ANY and ALL. You just have to drive here and pick him up.
IM me (curelightchild), Call me, or leave a message here for more information.
Please please please!!! Someone please take this cat in. He will easily transition to a new home and he loves people.
Thank you in advance.