Thanksgiving Break

Nov 27, 2007 17:47

I might as well finish summing up my break that I had in the Shire.

Everything went surprisingly well. Especially considering the bullshit drama that went down last year. NO major house hardcore animosity towards my mother. NO responsibilities, no nagging boyfriends, nothing but good fun and sleeping :)

Got to see nearly everyone and accomplish nearly everything I thought was realistic for the mere 5 days I had. Didn't get to scrapbook or decorate, and there were one or two friends I didn't get to meet up with, but overall I felt good about everything. My mother was kind enough to dust and vacuum for me before I got home...and I am FINALLY beginning to see the results of all my hours of toil, trying to straighten out all the crap we have. Due to my abilities in being constantly prepared for the future, I already had my winter clothes in the closet and put was nice to come home and have everything in its right place without skipping a beat. Like....REALLY nice.

Of course I got copious amounts of nooget and mouse lovins.....which was desperately needed. I've never seen Nooget so happy to see me before! She WOULD NOT let me out of her sight the first night I was home. Mouse actually hid at first..but eventually came around. They were virtually alone for an entire month while my mom was in South Carolina...only getting about 40 mins of attention per day by the neighbor who was feeding them....which is not much considering they require 24/7 companionship with my mother and I while we are in the house. So this was like a big deal seeing me again. Took some pictures of them...they came out ok. They might get posted if I get inspired.

Saw lots of friends, smoked lots of cloves and hookah....and even a doob (in front of my mother no less), at Thanksgiving with the family. I don't think there was more than one night I was sober...or went to bed earlier than 2am. The friends I have in the Shire are a lot more laid back and not as easily excitable as my NYC friends....partially because I've known them for so many more years...and it was pleasant. Old friends rule, especially when talking about high school :) I am so happy I took the time and made the effort to chronicle my life during that time. It really was amazing. So is now...but it's harder to keep track of everything it happens so fast.

Speaking of Thanksgiving itself, we had it at my youngest uncles house, which....was a big improvement from last year...since the whole dinner was called off completely. Obviously my Aunt Claire, Rollan or Bob were there, which was unfortunate, but I guess it's a step in the right direction for the reconstruction of my family. Claire ended up calling my mother back...after a year of not speaking to her...JUST as we were running out the door to get me to the bus station to go back to the city. Figures...Not exactly sure if they talked again since then...but I'm hoping this is sparking a time of new beginnings between them. It's been really difficult on all of us with this feud. The feud between Claire and Bob is less detrimental, since Bob was exiled from the family for so many years...when he chooses to spend holidays with a new girlfriend instead of's not exactly a big deal. However, my Aunts refusal to speak to Bob when they are in a room together makes things a little awkward...but again...nothing too difficult.

Needless to say....everything I was upset about exactly a year ago has either been solved, or waxed over....and I feel really glad about that. Even some of the things I was upset or worried about here in NYC were worked out a little. I was able to have some talks and settle some things with the conquests of this semester, which certainly helped me sleep better afterwards.

It's really nice to go home and regress and be stagnant for a while. My life has been moving kinda fast with school work and boys and was away from the inevitable for like a week. Now I am eyeball deep in all the work I was putting off because of personal drama...and it is rather unpleasant, but not impossible to take care of. I feel like with the inhuman workload I had last year, I can accomplish ANYTHING a this point....even tho it may be painful.

I really CANNOT wait to go back for winter break!!!!!
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