[BIO] At least for THIS incarnation ... and more

Dec 31, 2011 21:27

{NAME} Abigail (Abby) Leigh
[Those in the know whom she might like (aka: her BFF Lucifer, ex-love Castiel before her fall) would call her Penny] [For a possible SPN tie-in, see -this-]

{AGE} born December 31, 1989

{SPECIES} Humanish... kinda. She fits in, anyway.

{FAMILY} She's the oldest of two children, born to parents at the right age and the right time. It's almost like she someone planned it that way. Her father works as a lobbyist and her mother is a lawyer. She's a senior in college while her brother is in the ninth grade. All in all, they're a very upper-middle class family. She has quite a few friends in her human rights group and a boyfriend that she's been seeing since the beginning of the school year that is just as gung-ho as she is.

{PERSONALITY} Abby's parents struck gold when it came to her, really. She's polite when she has to be (say, if they have guests over), but she knows how to speak to the general public, too. Politics, to everyone around her, seems to be her calling, if her work at school and her website seem to be any indication. She's outgoing, firm (and loud) in her beliefs, and wants everyone to know what she knows. Her boyfriend loves the fact that she's so dedicated to her causes and her dark, sarcastic humor. Her parents are proud of all the work she has done for her school(s) and community.

{BACKGROUND} Her upbringing was Washington DC suburban, and upper middle class. She went to private schools, and because it wasn't her first time on the merry-go-round, she did extremely well. There was a year here and there where she may have slacked a bit more than others, but once she found a way to channel her passion into the modern age, she got right back on track. There was only one college for her, and she earned her scholarships to GWU with ease. Now that she's there, she finds time to devote to her website, tracking and reporting the news, and showing others how to do the same.

{HISTORY} Penemue, like the others, was there when Lucifer fell. And, like the others, had a purpose.

Penemue taught them all the secrets of knowledge. How to read and how to write and how to decipher what they had learned. What to do with that knowledge. How to use it. How to write with ink and with paper. All the dirty little secrets that men weren't supposed to harbor for long were then on paper for eternity.

That was Penemue's doing.

Penemue - The Writer

Penemue revealed to man all the secrets of their wisdom, taught them to read and write and taught them the bitter and sweet parts of knowledge.

In their truest form they were responsible for Original Sin. They are not always the quintessential "bad guy" they don't always come in the form of public figures. While in the past they have reigned as very famous public figures, in this day and age they are not any one significant person.

They have been in the past, great warriors, great men, bad men, war criminals, war heroes, great speakers, teachers, scientists. They are not your typical "evil." Some have done great things for the world, some have nearly destroyed it.

When God created man, these five did not wish to no longer be in God's favor, they were no longer God's most beautiful and desired creation. However they didn't wage war on their Creator, they fought with God against Lucifer, and when Lucifer was cast out of Heaven they took this opportunity to make their plans, and a deal of their own. They would agree to fall, but they were not cast into hell and affected by it's boundaries. They were to live among men, shaping their lives, and giving them the ability to destroy themselves.

As with all deals, there were conditions of payment, and terms. They had until December 21, 2012 to finish their job. If they didn't, they would be hell bound and kept there for eternity. If they did, then hell and earth would cease to exist. This deal was nothing more than a show of envy for man, and pride to show God just how vulnerable the creatures he'd supposed created "in His image" were. As time wore on the Five did great and terrible things with the world of men, they drove them away from God, and taught them to question everything. They showed them how to destroy each other, they turned them into men of science rather than faith. Taught them to rely on themselves rather than God. They showed them how to use their coveted "Free Will" in ways other than what God intended. They were responsible for the Fall, they were responsible for Cain's murder of his brother, the Holocaust, nuclear warfare, the age of reason, the enlightenment, King Henry VIII.

They have spent lifetime upon lifetime on earth weaving in and out, completing their tasks, and putting all their cards on the table.


=> Lilah: a woman present in Bethleham when Christ was born
=> Plato: a philosopher
=> Heinrich Kramer: German churchman and inquisitor; author of the Malleus Maleficarum
=> Mary Wollstonecraft: an eighteenth-century British writer, philosopher, and feminist
=> Naomi Butler: NYC journalist during the 1960's and 1970's

{APPEARANCE} Young, 20ish, long dark hair. On the more 'pretty' side of average, if one has to make a distinction. She wears jeans and flowing tops on most occasions. Her dress style could be described as 'hippie'.

{PLAYED BY}: Emma Roberts

(( The Satans and their ages as it stands: Teresa (37), Jackson (35), Hannah (32), Marcus (28), Abigail (21).))

biography, history

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