Hm, I'm thinking of maybe switching this part and part two. I have a feeling anyway that everything that's posted now are just fragments that I will try to expand, change the order of and so on.
By the way, I've tried googling a bit for the biggest problem I have without any real results (don't know really how to phrase the search words). I can't
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I think you're right about the idea thing, I've been writing down different ideas for the future plot, angsting a bit about whether some things will change the age group or ruin other things I want to put in there, but I think I have a general idea now :)
The thing is, to write I have to be curious. If I know exactly what's going to happen I lose the magic. Maybe I can find a sort of compromise, writing down some guidelines and leaving some things open - I'll give it a try!
I've been considering the short story idea as well, however I'm not sure this is going to fit into a short story format - you know those rules they try to force-feed you in school. Rules are meant to be broken though, so perhaps I will do it anyway.
Thanks for the advice :)
I didn't continue my ideas when I got bored with them. I still don't. When I was younger it was that I knew what was going to happen, so it was hard for me to keep going. I suppose my patience has grown since then. As long as I challenge myself or I continually write interesting parts I'll keep up a story. It's not that it really needs to be charted out, if you just have an idea where it's going that'll help.
I took a creative writing class, where we had to do short stories or poems. They were often shared with the class. My writing was kind of raw when it went in. Few of the people in the class understood my writing, I've learned to clarify since. I've also learned to be more careful... It taught me a lot, but the end of the class was very disappointing. I guess because I wouldn't be there for another semester I was kind of treated as an outsider by the last class or maybe people didn't like me. That was kind of a wound, so I don't want to take another CW class.
Since it was a creative writing class, there weren't any "rules" or formats we had to follow.
I don't know how things will work for you. You already have a clear writing style. For me, it's motivational to finish something. That might not be the same for you.
I've been to two writing classes, the first one was when I was ten or so and it was really great. The second one was two years ago and not really my thing, the people in the class didn't really appreciate fantasy, and most things I write have at least a small element of that. Also, our teacher had lots of ideas about how he wanted us to write. I learned to read my work out loud though, which I think is a great thing.
I know what you mean about the work being kind of raw when it's handed in. I think I used to be that way too, maybe I still am. I tend to write in different styles for different things, and some types of writing comes easier to me than others. I really enjoy writing the way I write this story...
I'm not very good at finishing stuff, I've written mainly short stories, but I'm never completely happy with the endings of them. I guess it's partly that I feel that a story's alive as long as I'm writing it, and I'm reluctant to letting it go...
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