When you're all argumentative and got that face on

Feb 10, 2006 14:00

Had an absolutely shit day at work yesterday, just one of those days where you wanna smash people, everyone was rude, rod was pissed at me about something that happened last week, i forgot to chase up an order from before xmas and the customer came in, and i had to lie about it. On my break i ran into Jess L, and she was asking me whats the goss, and quite honestly i wanted to cry, cos i just felt so shit, and so bloodly stupid and crap cos i'm still working in retail and i'm 25. Then everyone was up in my mix when i got home, making me even more pissed off. A little chat with the boy managed to cheer me a little but i still felt annoyed. Still felt annoyed this morning, seems everyone i came into contact with was trying their hardest to shit me.

But then i got the news that one of my favourite players, Rama, has had a re-occurence of his cancer and it put everything into perspective. What am i complaining about?? Rama is such a wonderful person, a great player, and he has already been through so much with the cancer. He was just getting everything in order; his football, he's just got married, in the leadership group, and this happens. It doesn't seem fair. I feel the same about my mums best friend Fiona, who has been through hell with cancer the last five years. She is a saint, a true Christian, and a wonderful person who has never complained about all the stuff that has happened to her (including and apart from the cancer). Why should it happen to her? Not to mention Carly. Or the little boy who had to have his eyes removed this week because of it. Why does it take the truly beautiful people?? There are so many horrible people, who should get sick.

My thoughts are with you, Rama. You are the heart and soul of the club, and i know you will beat this bastard again.
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