Feb 15, 2006 21:01
Yesterday I had a make up trial with MAC. I liked the way they did my make up..may go with them..but i am going to get one more trial with one of my friends first. After that, Shane and I ordered some yummy thai food and watched a movie. It was a very nice night...we haven't had time to chill like that in a while with working lots and wedding planning...
Today I went to the Trauma Nursing conference at the delta hotel. I must say that i really enjoyed it. I learned a lot and the speakers were pretty good with the exception of one or two that were a tad boring. Two things particular hit me...one was the commercials that were shown. They are apparently commercials that are run in the UK but cannot run here because they are too graffic. The first commercial has a young highschool couple that are at their school kissing and hanging out. Their two friends in a car call them over and they get into the car. They are talking and laughing in the car and the driver kinda serves into oncoming traffic and hits another car head on. Everyone in the car except the one boy (from the couple)had belts on. They show him in slow motion fly forward and hit the two girls..and then fly back and hit his girlfriend in the head with his head. They then show the carnage of bodies and a paramedic comes on and says "i heard that the guy not wearing a seat belt caused all of this". I swear...that sent chills down my spine. You had to see the commercial. Another one was a guy driving along..going maybe five or ten over the speed limit and hits a girl on a bike..they show her flying thru the air and then her contorted body on the ground. The guy is in shock. Doesn't know what happened but the girl is dead. Those were just insane. They really need to play those here so that people can see the impact that accidents really have. I would really like some of my friends to see it so they take it seriously when i put on a belt in the back seat. It doesn't matter where you are in the car...if you get in an accident you are at risk....
The other thing i liked was that Terry Evanshen came to speak to us. I watched his movie a couple months ago. He was basically in a bad car reck near Oshawa when a van ran a red and t-boned him. In the movie they show his struggle with amnesia (not remembering his life before the accident..including his wife and kids). It was a very riviting movie. Anyways he came to speak to us. It was very moving to hear him speak. Afterwards he was selling his book about his experience and signing copies. I got a copy..so if anyone is interested in reading it (i highly recommend it) let me know...