I HAVE CHEERIN TOMOROW!!!! i am so excited because the jamboreeeeee is tomorow!!! but the part i hate is that im on the a team so i play last. and it doesnt start till late!!! the cool part is i get to walk around and watch every 1 else play! my team stinx! but thats ok because i atleast no well win a couple games!!! hey and may b well even go to
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if that doesn't come up
Few congenital birth defects are as disturbing to the eyes (and souls) of its witnesses than Harlequin Ichthyosis - commonly known as Harlequin Fetus. In this rare genetic disorder, which occurs in 1 in 300,000 births, babies are born with a massive horny shell of dense platelike scales and contraction abnormalities of the eyes, ears, mouth and appendages. Basically, wherever a fold would normally occur in a newborn baby, these poor souls have cracks.
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