Oct 18, 2007 16:35
ya soooo, that blood donating thing didn't go too well for me today. but now i have two super cool bandages both arms! hahaha, alright full story now...
so i start giving blood and the dude's like "oh you got a real nice vein here" so i'm thinking this is going to go fine. he starts taking blood and it turns out he missed the vein, tried to put it back in and ended up just getting blood everywhere except in the needle.
so he says i can either try the other arm or call it a day (i guess there was like air contamination possibilities?). i go for trying the other arm and get a sweet pink bandage/wrap on the first arm.
we go for try two. he gets the needle in and everything is going great, but then my blood starts to clot. christ, are you for serious dude? ya so i only got to give a third of what i was supposed to AND i have like this big buldge under my skin which all the blood donation people proceed to come stare at.
so i get another bandage (blue this time) and get my freakin' juice and cookies. so i get twice the pain of giving blood, and none of the positives (they aren't able to use donations that are less than a pint. i only gave 1/3).
i look like a retard, and once i get my bandages off, i'm gonna look like a retard with super bruised arms. ah well, battle wounds i suppose.