Dec 04, 2006 23:35
i dont know where to start. I guess with four in the morning. I woke up after three hours of sleep because my thoughts were so loud. I took a xanax to calm me and allow me to sleep. Didnt work. Dozed off for ten minutes woke up at Five with pains in my upper abdomenan and back. Took deep breaths and fell asleep. Woke up at my alarm in terrible pain. Took two alleve and the chest pains started and the unbearable heart burn. I couldnt stand, sit, lay on my back, or lay on my side. I could only lay hunched over. I made an appointment and now I have to take two zantac 150mg every day. Went to classes which wasnt bad. I realized I may not be getting A's on my papers but mostly no one does around here and I got a B+ on my philosophy paper and i realize i have really good quiz grades which is ten percent of my grade. I left early which my professor was really cool with so I could go to my psychiatrist appointment. He met with me for like twenty minutes and gave me two perscriptions which I had to pay for along with a billion other things today to make sure my body lasts long enough to take my finals. I'm so tired now and I have to write my African History paper tonight. i think a little nap then the paper. This all sounds really bad but I dont feel horrible. I actually feel ok. I'm debating whether or not I should tell patrick about the medication. Hes really upset about it and I'm wondering if maybe its just best to not bring it up right away. This is really hard for him too and I dont know...i've said it before...its not just me anymore. I need to think about him too.