Fic: Bigger Than Us - Chapter One: The Deed is Done

Sep 15, 2009 21:07

Title: Bigger Than Us

Author: cupsofsoup1653

Type: Fic

Genre: Romance/Drama

Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Gwen

Summary: It was just one night. One drunken night. But it was enough to change everything between them. How will the friends deal with all the changes, dangers and attractions that come along the way?

Rating: R ... Just because I'm paranoid. ;)

A/N: Actual A/N at the bottom of the page :)


April 28th

It seemed that everyone in the village had a baby. Mothers feeding babies, fathers playing with babies, children watching babies. Babies, babies babies! Morgana swallowed the sudden burst of hysteria in her throat and placed a hand over her thin stomach. It wouldn’t be thin much longer, she knew. She closed her eyes. What had she done?

CHAPTER ONE: The Deed is Done

March 21st

It had been gray today. The sky had been covered in thick, dark clouds, which made the stone castle seem even blander. And Morgana hated bland. But now it was night, and the familiar darkness soothed her. The only thing missing were the stars, but she knew they would be out soon. She got up from her seat at the vanity set where Gwen, her maidservant, was brushing her hair. Gwen put the brush down and followed her mistress to the big French window.


“Yes milady?” Gwen replied, already in motion for whatever task Morgana needed done.

“Will you go down to Gaius, and ask him for my medicine? I think I’m going to turn in now,” Morgana said, walking away from the window and towards her oversized canopy bed. She sat down and looked at Gwen expectantly.

“Yes, right away Morgana,” she curtsied and opened the door, “Is there anything else you wanted while I’m down there?” Morgana couldn’t help but notice that Gwen’s mind was wandering elsewhere.

“No, just ask Gaius for the medicine and have it sent up. You’re dismissed after that,”

“Thank you, Goodnight milady,” Gwen smiled with another curtsey.

“Goodnight, Gwen,”

The maidservant quietly left the room. Morgana listened to her soft steps walk down the stairs. She sighed. Strangely, she felt alone. Strange because she had just spent the whole day with Gwen, whom she considered her best friend. But Gwen had been distracted the whole day. Perhaps it had to do with a certain prince named Arthur? Morgana knew that she had a small crush on the handsome prince, even if she wouldn’t admit it herself. Morgana also knew that Arthur couldn’t stay away from Gwen. The thought of the two going together made her feel even lonelier. She sighed and pulled back the down duvet covers and fluffed her pillows just right. Any other person of royalty would make their servant do theses things, but Morgana thought it made her feel utterly useless. A lock of her dark hair fell in front of her face and she pushed it back. Anther lock fell. She stood, and gathered all of her hair into a ponytail. As she made her way to the vanity set for an elastic, she heard a loud knock sound on the heavy oak door. Thinking it must be her medicine; she quickly tied a knot in her hair with the elastic and moved to the door.

“I’m coming,” she said, swinging the door open. To her surprise, it was Arthur. A very troubled Arthur. Morgana frowned. This wasn’t like him.

“Is everything alright?” she asked, touching his forearm. He shook his head and pushed past her into her chamber. Now Morgana was really worried.

“Arthur, you’ve got to tell me what’s going on! You’re scaring me,”

Arthur was silent a moment, pacing the length of her room. Then he spoke. But when he did, it was in a very low and very serious voice. No traces of sarcasm, teasing or lies.

“What would you do, if you were falling in love with someone, but that someone was completely wrong for what everyone needed?”

Morgana was baffled, “What?”

Arthur sighed and tried again. “Morgana, I think I’m in love with Gwen,”

This was not what Morgana expected to hear. But nevertheless, she was thrilled. “Oh my gosh! Are you sure?” Arthur smiled.

“Yeah, I think so… it’s just…” he trailed off.

“It’s what?” Morgana stopped squealing.

“It’s just that it’s Gwen, and I don’t think my father would approve,” said Arthur, sitting down on the edge of Morgana’s bed. Morgana rolled her eyes. Typical Arthur.

“Well, I think that if you actually do love her, then you wouldn’t care what your father thought,” she said bluntly. Arthur sat for a moment, quiet and still. Then:

“You’re right,” he said, getting up, “You know what, you’re right! You’re right!” he repeated. Morgana laughed. “You don’t have to sound so surprised, Arthur, I’m always right,” she teased. Arthur stood and marched to the door. He spun around, a determined expression on his face.

“You know what? I’m going to tell her!” he announced. His face had a big smile across it, and he had an almost giddy swagger about him. If Morgana didn’t know better, she’d say he was drunk. She got up and went right up to him.

“Arthur, are you sure you want to tell her? This isn’t some idea made on adrenaline?”

And he was serious again. “Yes, I am sure,” then he turned on his heel and walked purposefully towards the exit. Morgana smiled as she watched him go. She sighed and closed the door. She crawled into her cool bed and pulled the blankets up to her chest. Lying against her propped up pillows, she reached over to her beside table and pulled the book she was currently reading off of it. She had settled into the romantic novel when there was another knock on the door. Grumbling, she got up and in a moment, had reached the door. The heavy oak slab swung open to reveal a tired looking Merlin. He smiled when he saw her.

“Here’s the medicine, Gaius said to apologize for it taking so long. He also said to say it was my fault.” He grinned a lopsided grin and handed her the bottled concoction. Morgana laughed, suddenly wide awake, and took the medicine. Merlin stood there awkwardly for a moment. He tapped the door jam with his hand twice, “Well, I guess I better be going…” he said, though to Morgana, it seemed as though that was the last thing he wanted to do. He turned around and had begun to walk down the hallway when Morgana called out to him.


“Yeah?” he looked over his shoulder, a half hopeful and half bemused expression on his adorable face. Adorable face? What are you thinking, Morgana? She shook her head slightly to clear it of her thoughts before she proposed her offer.

“Do you want to come in? And have a drink with me?” She didn’t know what was going on with her at the moment, but she couldn’t say she didn’t like it. Merlin looked at her strangely, and then looked around him, as though she were talking to somebody else. Then he pointed to himself, “Me?” he asked doubtfully. Morgana nodded her head yes. He looked amazed, but shrugged his shoulders with an “Alright,” and walked back into her chambers. Morgana smiled, and shut the door behind them.


Morgana poured the deep red liquid into a heavy goblet and handed it to Merlin, who looked very awkward. She got one for herself and then sat, motioning for Merlin to do the same. He did so cautiously. He took a small sip of the wine, looking anywhere but Morgana. She frowned. Okay then. She’d start the conversation. She took an unnoticed swig of the alcoholic liquid and spoke.

“So, how is Arthur treating you?”

Merlin looked at her for the first time and the faint tint of pink that coloured his cheeks made Morgana smile, a true, pleased smile.

“Um, okay I suppose. He’s certainly lightened up mood wise at any rate,”

“Can I let you in on a little secret?” Morgana asked, leaning forward. She was feeling particularly bold after that first glass. Merlin looked terrified.

“Uh, sure.”

“You know why Arthur has had such good moods lately?”


“Because Arthur is in love with Gwen!” she giggled happily, leaning back into her chair. Merlin fell off his. When he clambered back onto it, he finished off the last few drops of wine.

“That’s perfect.” He said, pouring himself another goblet of the surprisingly tasty beverage. “I mean, she likes him to, so that only makes sense. And wow, this stuff is really good.” He added, knocking back his second glass and reaching for the bottle. Morgana grabbed it, but seeing the depression in his eyes, softened and let go. If Merlin was going to get drunk, hell, she was too. She turned around and reached behind her where wall of old wine bottles stood. Grabbing one at random, she popped the cork off and poured it into her goblet.

“So, do you think they’ll, you know, step out?” Merlin wondered out loud. Morgana considered this, drinking. She took her time before answering.

“I don’t think so, at least not publicly. Arthur is too afraid for that.” Merlin looked relieved.


Two hours of careless drinking led to the pair becoming very, very drunk. Their sentences had long ago become incoherent, and their conversations had turned into something along the lines of:

“Hahahahaaa! I think we’re drunk! Teehee!”


“Whaaa chuuu talkin’ abooout? Bwhahahahaa!”

Needless to say it wasn’t a very pretty sight. Morgana was so out of it, she did something she would’ve never done sober. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against Merlin’s. He didn’t kiss back. She pulled away.

“Kisssss meeeee you foool!” She ordered. Merlin sighed and got up.

“I would’ve but you missed!” He complained, pulling her up into his arms where he proceeded to kiss her. She smiled against him, kissing back sloppily. In fact, the whole kiss was sloppy and wet, due to their intoxicated state. They stumbled backwards, still in an embrace. The bed groaned in protest as their weight sank onto it in a tangle of arms and legs. It got very hot and very heavy very fast after that. There went his shirt. Then his pants. She lost her nightgown somewhere in between there. They worked their way under the covers, Morgana moaning in pleasure. They sank into a satisfying motion. She lay draped over him afterward, done for the time being, and together they drifted off into an enjoyable slumber.

A/N: OK, so this is the first time posting of LJ, so PLEASE tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, or anything I missed out :) It would be much appreciated! Leave a beautiful comment and I will be continuing soon :)

Much Love,



mergana, fic

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