Never, ever be the android in an Aliens movie

Jul 01, 2012 19:41

Hmm, Prometheus. HMM. I just do not know about this shit. Which is sad, because you had some magnificent actors delivering really interesting characters, and there were three just damn splendid scenes (all, interestingly enough, featuring Charlize Theron - that girl is on fire). But you do appreciate that science is sort of painstaking and complicated and you can't just gleefully make it up as you go, right? I mean, when you give us a movie where any way you slice the apparent claims being made, they are wildly unlikely if not downright impossible... well, when you do that, I have to sit through a lot of ranting from the guy-with-biology-honours I happen to be married to, and that gets really irritating. And I take it out on you.

The amusing thing is, Mr Dee was already ranting about the biological science of the Aliens. We've been rewatching our way through the franchise preparatory to renewing the acquaintance with Prometheus, and there was an extended rant about two-stage sexual/asexual reproduction last night (while I was trying to go to sleep) and how incubating inside a dog shouldn't change the creature, etc. (Incidentally, we renewed my conviction that Alien3 is the best film, but I must allow that it sort of does buggerise about with the alleged canon.)

Anyway, for a magnificent space romp of scientists acting unscientifically, professionals acting unprofessionally and Ridley Scott changing his mind about things every two minutes (I mean, I assume Guy Pearce is an enormous mind-change for reasons I can't be bothered to talk about because I'd have to spoilercut) Prometheus was a fun experience while it was happening, but immensely frustrating in a wider sense.


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