Bit of a fail on the not Sherlock drabbling...

Feb 29, 2012 08:32

Caught up with anatsuno last night for beer, food and magnificent conversation, in the course of which I mentioned that I'd posted a drabble of Sherlock-words on tumblr (my not-writing intentions were good, but then someone posted the perfect gif set for one of the bits I'd scribbled, and I just had to). Her reaction suggested that I'd performed the fandom equivalent of farting in front of the Queen, but fortunately I could rectify the situation by reposting to LJ (GOOD TO KNOW, especially if you ever happen to fart in front of the Queen).

So because just posting a link seems... careless? I'm going to recreate the whole damn thing, complete with gif-set.

He hasn’t ever begged for mercy in his life. Has rarely begged at all. Not with seconds to live (better things to do), not even with the acid of withdrawal in his veins (spitting venom instead, burning and salting every field that came within reach).

But for that moment - with her chin tilting challenge, blithe confidence, professional surety, that moment - he wonders if perhaps she could. Her whiplash skill against his contrariness, her ruthless application of information gleaned against his reinforced willpower, a bare-blades duel played out upon the field of his body…

Just scientific curiosity, you understand.

tumblr link

fic:sherlock, fic

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