Charles Xavier is a sex machine

Jun 19, 2011 16:52

There's still one Thor fic left in me, and I really want to get it done (because it's so me) but that needs to be before Thursday when I go see First ClaKiss again and almost certainly become all X-Men, all the time. BUT FIRST, I wanted to make some notes on something that has been preying on my mind as I saunter around the explosion of slashy splendid on the internets. And that is this idea I've been encountering (in fics and meta and art) that Charles would be soft and touchy and giving and clingy in bed.

Because let's face facts on this: Charles Xavier is the best you've ever had. He doesn't need to swagger or boast or make a show about it. He just is. ("He has more sex," McAvoy has said in interview. "He just does.")

He cheats wildly, of course. Making his first pick-up line, he's dipping into girls' heads; do you really think he gives that up when the clothes come off? He plays you like a harp, because he knows just how you are strung, but more than that: he doesn't rest easy with what you know you want, he dances along the edge of the things you haven't even realised were everything you were dying for, plugged into how you're reacting to tune it all to fever pitch. And he does it because when you're worshipping him as a god, he's justified in having violated every skerrick of your mental privacy. (I believe justification is rather important for Charles.)

So here's my point: he's more than confident, he's at ease, he's bold. You might call him generous, because it's the best night of your life, but actually he's pretty selfish, because he gets off on how much he's getting you off. There's definitely room here for complex rumination on what manner of acknowledgement he needed and didn't get from his mother, and the substitute acknowledgement he is taking from the women he seduces.

...basically, that's what it boils down to. He's seducing. He isn't chatted up, he doesn't acquiesce, he is on the prowl, and while I can see how soft!bottom!Charles fits a certain slash profile in this pairing, I honestly don't see him being anything other than totally in control in the bedroom.

(Which obviously makes Erik want to strip it away from him more than anything, but that's a story for another day...)

Your mileage, of course, may vary, and that's what makes fandom delicious for everyone, but that's how it seems to me (with the usual side of me typing as it seemed to flow and being entirely open to evidential contradiction and other points of view - hit me! *G*)

Gawd, still can't see my own journal, so I hope I didn't mess up the cut tag on this or anything. *crosses fingers*


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