Highly important updates from the Land of Dee

May 16, 2011 13:08

Hmm. Well. I have new fingerbling and a sister-in-law (hi, 17catherines!) and the Male is now officially Mr Dee. We have a house, and a car (a quirky mid-90s beast we have named Pendleton). I've found a commute strategy that means I can almost always get a seat. We have had a weekend where he gardened and I baked and did washing. I occasionally wake up in a cold-sweated terror, and I find Chadstone mildly horrific, but overall, I suppose it's not that bad.

The fact that half of my vital plug-in/add-ons don't work with the new Firefox irritates the pants off me, but at least the most important one (the Die2Nite map updater, of course) does, so that's ok.

It's Good Beer Week. The official one, because as Mr Dee pointed out, the week of our wedding was a pretty damn good beer week. But this one contains five new MoonDog beers (we love these guys, but they usually turn out a new beer maybe three times a year) so we are currently planning our week around what we're going to be drinking where. Tonight's pineapple and coconut brown ale. You see why I love these guys? Pineapple and coconut brown. And off to Josie Bones for the Black Lung on Thursday. This week. THIS WEEK. I am so thrilled.

We finally managed to see that movie about Agent Coulson in New Mexico Thor last night (our quest was complicated by moving, weddings and our violent aversion to 3D). I was really very pleased with it, actually. I thought it was a well-put-together story, and that there was a pleasing subtlety to Loki-knows-where-all-Thor's-bells-are-and-rings-them-with-arrogant-ease. I mean, sure, it was camp as a row of tents and irritatingly obvious in the villainy, but the former isn't necessarily a bad thing when Ken Branagh's leaping into it with eyes wide open, and the latter was provided with a nice offset in Loki's ongoing subtlety of purpose.

Now, look, Hemsworth was very pretty and did a marvellous bogan-arrogance (as well as a broader range, which I did appreciate), but obviously I viewed this primarily as a movie about Agent Coulson, because he is my favourite and I love him. I see that he has now picked up Jeremy Renner as a laconic sharp-shooting badass and I could not be happier about the accruing details and continuity of the Avenger universe as it's being built up in these movies. (Bearing in mind that I know nothing and care less about comicbook synchronicity.)

I'm a little sad they didn't do more with Idris's Heimdall, because what little there was of him was so damn great, but oh well. And I feel like all the fanfic potential lies with Sif, who just had her husband snaked by some Midgardian bint wtf. Possibly she should take up with Heimdall. Now there's a voyeuristic kink concept of epic proportions.

So HI folks! What's new with you? Tell me all about it. I think I'm back, and I want to catch up. :)

meta:thor, beer, movies

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