Hoyts keep giving us ways to see movies for half price

Sep 30, 2010 18:55

Addendum to previous: COMBICHRIST, at the HiFi, 5th Dec. I've been kicking myself since I missed their last tour. I am so there it's a wonder I haven't spontaneously developed teleportation skills so I can get the Male's credit card right now to buy my ticket. (Company welcome, because I suspect there's no way in hell I'm getting him to this show.)

What else have you been doing, Dee? Well, watching a lot of movies. (No real spoilers in the below.)

Salt - I agree completely with the review I read that suggested this would be nothing without Phil Noyce's arch-competent direction, and Angelina Jolie's excellent performance. In fact, apart from that, it it nothing. I mean, Liev's always worth watching and you've got to love proxy driving via torture, but basically it's just a mundane, dreary, rote spygame action flick without those two elements. It's hard not to convulse at the infeasibility of the premise and I think the ending came about a minute and a half too late, but the nuances of Angelina's performance were worth the price of admission.

Tomorrow When The War Began - I agree completely with bantha_fodder, who accurately skewered the way the non-Anglo-origined characters in this are basically walking checklists of racial stereotypes. (In fact, her term "lolwog" has now entered the household vernacular.) This does not stop them being interesting characters, but it's a very good point. None of this relates to how bizarre it is to see Neighbours actors on the big screen blowing shit up. Regardless, I think the kids all did really, really well, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. The book's-always-better-than-the-movie moment was hilarious. I ship Ellie/Homer like no one's business. (And a friend of ours said, "What's with the posh girl's accent, for serious?" and we said, "FRENCHAM UGH." End NSW in-joke.)

Easy A - I was so not even going to think about seeing this. I saw the posters and spake thusly: "God save me from inane teen remakes of literature." But then we saw a review of it and rethought my stance. And I'm glad we did, because this was awesome. Absolutely hilarious, very quick, really quite clever, deliciously self-aware but not super self-conscious about it. The lead character is a gem - she's a teenager who's smart but still does ridiculous things, and while she has a love interest, he is not the stated, front-and-centre motivation for everything, which is so refreshing I feel like an ad for chewing gum. Her parents are amazing, her teachers are real people and I enjoyed this movie so much.

We also discovered our current temporary housemate hadn't seen Donnie Darko, so we rectified that, which was the gift that kept on giving in the way he kept theorising for the next 48 hours. ("...so Frankie, right...") And obviously we rewatched In Bruges to say things like, "Holy shit, that's the hotel on the main thing," and, "That's the Jerusalem Church, not the Holy Blood!" and "What, did he just teleport?" Good times. (We'd been having trouble identifying "the pointy building" when we were there, partly because, well, Flemish and Gothic architecture, yo. It's ALL POINTY. But mostly because the Church of Our Lady was under serious scaffold swaddling.)

I've also signed up to twitter. Mostly because my new phone can do it and does it for free (...yes, my new phone's a slut). Hey ma look, it's me. As you can see, I'm taking this very seriously. (Unlike Foursquare. That is SERIOUS LIKE OMG.)

music, movies

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