And then they blew up a ute

Jul 14, 2009 08:56

We watched an episode of Supernatural ("Jump the Shark", actually, and I can't say I saw the shark-jump, but maybe I'm missing something OBVIOUSLY I'm missing about two seasons' worth of info so maybe it was in there somewhere). It was a rest day for both the cricket AND the Tour (omg poor timing, yo!) and as I was surfing it came up with the warning (AV15 for STRONG VIOLENCE) and the Male says from the other room, "I like the sound of this!" By the time I was finished laughing at him, Ackles was on screen and I was trapped. TRAPPED!

Still a massive fan of Ackles' work, and the champagne between-brothers writing that I see they're still bringing to the table. Of course, they're also still laying on the Big Important Points and Self-Realisations with an industrial-grade cement-mixer, so I can't say I regret having fallen off this particular wagon. Also, Padalecki's face is even stranger and his hair is still weird, just different. But I have missed Ackles saying, "Dude!"

I am fond of and a little surprised (in a good way!) by the 180 that Sam's done since the first season in his attitude to hunting. I'm impressed that he's developed that hard edge. I'm unsurprised that he still doesn't understand Dean, and still doesn't even try. But, um, what happened to his mind-whammy? I mean, obviously, yeah, I've missed epic quantities of this show and I'm sure at some point in there Sam traded it for (probably) his brother's life (and not, say, a really awesome pair of shoes, because he isn't actually Timberlake). But I was watching him bleeding (and whimpering like a big girly-man) and thinking that a little mind-whammy would've been really handy right about then.


Last night's television also involved watching Jeremy Clarkson having more fun than a grown man should (then again, it is Clarkson, so he's hardly grown) in a Monaro. A MONARO. I laughed so hard, even if the bastards did keep bringing up the rugby world cup. Fucking Jonny Wilkinson.

While I'm babbling about television, since this isn't something I want to make a habit of, know what I am looking forward to? Rush, even if the ads are making ridiculous with the sexy-tiems. I missed half of last series due to America, but it was good, Australian fun, and I like anything that involves a man with a bazooka in Spencer Street Station saying, "I know how to use it, senior sergeant!"


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