I have comics!

Aug 23, 2002 17:30

First: Min, hell yeah. I agree with just about everything you had to say regarding Ult-X #21.

Some X-ish thoughts:
  • The X-cat! On the first page! (I love X-cat spotting.)
  • Jean driving the car? Just about cool enough to erase all my carefully-fermenting Jean-dislike. It goes up there with the brainwashing of issue one and the roller-blading of issue sixteen for cool Jean scenes.
  • Honey-bunny? *facepalms*
  • "Cyclops and Storm are just back from an undercover op in San Francisco.... posing as high school students..." Yep, that'd be a double handful of instant bunnies right there. Don't know what I'm going to do with the little buggers, though.
  • Wolvie slung over Colossus' shoulder? Yes, this would be me laughing my arse off with glee. I love it!
  • Min, I disagree about the Scott/Logan antipathy. I actually like it. The wary respect was good, yes, but (especially given Logan's voiced sentiment about 'the score') this new development has to have upped the tension between them. And if Logan's as annoyed as he sounds talking to Peter, Scott's going to have picked up on it, which isn't going to help their dynamic. Plus, I wouldn't expect Scott to be too secure about Jean just yet, so he's probably taking that out on Logan a bit, too. He's just a teenage male, after all. So, all in all, I buy it. (Which isn't to say I don't want to see it develop, perhaps into something else. Nothing should stay static.)
  • Reference to fighting "the latest lunatic who wants to blow up the Statue of Liberty". Movie reference? Me laughing much?
  • And then the total random inclusion at the end of two simply beautiful panels. That full-page phoenix... Wow.

Plus! I finally own David Mack's Circle of Blood! I've only been coveting this for the last two sodding years! It's the first part in the Kabuki saga, and if you've never heard of this story, you need to go and investigate right now. It's the single most intriguing, most beautiful, most thoughtful and thought-provoking comic I've ever read. But I've always been looking at the story from the end, looking back. Now, I have the original. And it's so. damn. cool. I don't think I ever quite realised just how kick-ass the Noh was.

Haven't read it all. Haven't had the chance. Won't have the chance tonight, since I'm going to the Jelly-babies ball (Masquerade! Yay!) but oh my, am I looking forward to it. I may need a new Kabuki icon just for the occasion.


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