What did you do yesterday, Dee?

Jan 23, 2008 09:33

I had a whole big amusing and writey-thinky post planned about my procrastination and few bits of successful application yesterday, and then I woke up and Heath Ledger was dead. This is the kind of thing that does sort of make one reel a bit. I mean, he's my age, he's from my country, I remember watching him in Roar and giggling myself stupid, I cheered when he made it to Hollywood and I had great respect for him. It's a shock, and a tragedy, and I mourn.

And then I make the post anyway.

I'm writing character sheets for my novel characters, because I like doing this and also some of the support ones I have a visibly shaky grasp on. It's good; I'm learning things already and I've only done Dacia (my heroine). It's also a bit confusing, because there's no need for, say, "house" or "blood" or "wand", and I spent ten minutes sifting through the Hogwarts astrology page before I realised it didn't actually matter if Dacia was a Gryff or a Claw, because my culture doesn't keep precise track of birthdates, not to mention she's not an HP char!

Anyway, this process also lends itself to large tracts of sitting and thinking, not to mention googling Egyptian surnames, medicine chests, river dynamics, weather patterns, virulent diseases and Iskar. Obviously there are big gaps for procrastination to insert itself, and I am quite skilled at the art to begin with. So much of yesterday disappeared into:

A) admiring fucking gorgeous fractal renders and turning them into desktops; and
B) Zero Punctuation, being computer game reviews. Now, I recognised about two of the names he was reviewing and I've never played either of those, but it honestly doesn't matter because he's a Brit living in Australia and his reviews are fast-paced, scathing and utterly frigging hilarious. If I'm not actually the last peson on the internet to find this gem, I recommend the Guitar Hero III review as a gateway drug, but really, you can't go wrong watching any of them. Or all of them. Which I didn't quite do, but I did find myself emerging from a fast-talking, hat-wearing, uncontrollable-giggling daze mysteriously missing two hours of my life.


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