Slightly pursuant to the previous post

Aug 10, 2007 17:18

Did I mention they've moved Torchwood to midnight on Tuesdays? Yep. Just as it was getting good, too. I'm sure they'd say the numbers were going down, but maybe that had something to do with, oh, I don't know, the fact that it was about an hour later than it should be due to the fucking Big Brother fiasco finale.

Anyway. This just means I tape it and we watch it eventually, at our leisure. Which we finally did for this week's episode, which was the much-awaited "They Keep Killing Suzie".

To respond, one word: STOPWATCHomgwtf?!

Also: I wondered for a while if Suzie had gone the Ianto road and not been as cool as I thought she was, but then she came through strong and was fucking awesome. Except slightly with the stupid, but this show has a predilection for that. Witness Capt'n Jack - teeters wildly between the sublimely great and the ridiculously wanky. Thankfully, this episode he was stomping gleefully down the awesome line. ("Would you really kill her?" / "Oh yeah.") Him and Jenny Sparks and Elijah Snow, man. Taking over the world. Or sitting in a bar getting pissed until they got kicked out. One of the two.

Just a sidenote, though. There's the bit where Suzie spits at Gwen: "It's liked you planned it all!" I would taken back every maligning thing I ever uttered about this show if it turned out that Gwen had planned it all. Just saying.

Meanwhile, the awesome black policewoman had better get some Jack loving out of this. At least a dinner date and mind-blowing sex. Just saying. She deserves it. For being so cool, if nothing else.


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