Supernatural 2x0...8? "Crossroad Blues", anyway

Mar 06, 2007 09:30

Prompted by the reminder of that pithy newspaper review of Supernatural yesterday, I tuned into SPN on TV last night, because I'd heard that "Crossroad Blues" was a half-decent episode. Having nothing better to do or possibly just not having the energy to get out of his armchair after Top Gear (Sabine the crazy van-driver again! WHEE!) the Male watched too.

I briefly considered a once-off return-of-the-snark, but I believe that bird has flown. Instead, a summary of just why I don't get what on earth y'all are on talking like this show is the best thing to hit a television screen in the history of ever.

Still good:
- Dean's right boot; does not lose its power.
- the brotherly snark; they really do it so very, very well.
- Padalackles; they both do very good work, which just exacerbates my issues.

Can't get over:
- storytelling like unto seal clubbing.

Seriously, there were about four points during that episode where I winced like I'd just taken a physical blow. And half of the rest of the time it's just plain laboured. Not to mention that the Male was only watching with half his attention (reading industrial law reviews at the same time) and he still picked every plot point about five minutes in advance. And he hasn't even watched any of the show since 2x01.

Most stand-out low-flying-story moment is the very final exchange (for me, though maybe it's just that it was the last).Sam: At no point were you actually tempted to make the deal, right?
Dean: *looks so uncomfortable I assume he has acid reflux; turns the music up*
The Male: Did he forget his line?
Me: Ow, I needed the head that you just SMASHED IN WITH YOUR PLOTPOINT.
No, really. OW.

The Male and I discussed this; he held that the whole exchange was unnecessary, and I have to agree to a certain point. But I believe it fits with Sam's character - his need to see everything, to have it laid out, to hold the facts in his hand (he'd get on so well with Veronica) - to ask the question. What I don't get is why Dean's response wasn't just a stony face, or (even better!) a too-quick, blithe, "Absolutely not," and one of those meaningless, aggravating Dean smiles.

Yes, I want Dean to lie to his brother. I WANT IT A LOT. I want this show to be more complicated than the inch-thick face-value it is. I want the characters to be challenged by something more interesting than Ev0l. I want some complexity and ambiguity.

And I want some fucking finesse. Both Ackles and Padalecki are such good actors that they could deliver twice the emotion and meaning with half the writing. They're being wasted by writers who wanted to be one-day batsmen when they grew up (or, more likely given nationality, star baseball batters). Guys: you don't need to try and hit every little thing for fucking six.

But clearly, I am not going to get any of these things. That's just not what the show is. Which is why I'm not watching it any more. I find it aggravating. Because there's good stuff in there. It's just sort of battered beyond appeal. (Much like Dean. This is not the Dean I signed up for, I'm sorry. His emo pains me. Just in general. How on earth did we go from season-1 "Dean wouldn't say that" to the full-on angst-attack of season 2?)

Look, I know I'm a minority voice here (and hey, to make it even more so I'll add that I'm enjoying season-3 Veronica a whole heap - but I'll talk about that another time). It makes me smile every time I see someone getting their happy on about anything at all, even SPN, so I don't want to cause anyone a downer. I just wanted to share my opinion. Cos man, I don't get it. I'm starting to wonder if they're putting drugs in the show somehow. *G*

Also, I'd just like to register how hard this song makes me laugh. Still. (And that's very fucking hard.)


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