The Dee-Annotated Supernatural: The Benders

May 11, 2006 11:14

Well, finally... *G*

We were having our usual dinner with a friend in the pub, talking (extensively) about how stupid Three are and the possible reason for the chip on Glenn Richards' shoulder regarding rich kids. Then we came home and showed Becky some Trigun and bitched at Big Brother a little, so we were all rather distracted when the ep came up.

The Benders

Intro: *is same as always*
The Male: There's nothing mysterious about their mother's death.
Me: Well, there's the question of what pinned their mother to the ceiling and set her on fire.
The Male: Pfft. Same thing that did it to everyone else's mother.
Becky: I should go; I won't understand this.
Us: No, stay until someone gets dead.
Becky: Someone's going to get dead?
Kid: *is watching TV*
Me: Yeah, him. TV rots your brain.

Mother: *is scolding cops*
Cops: *are Winchesters*
Me: Bwaha! In the middle of the res again, hello.
The Male: WHERE did they get those uniforms?
Me: Out of the prop box.

Dean: *bonds with the child over Godzilla*
Sam: *gives him a filthy look*
Dean: He likes the remake.
Kid: Yuck!
Sam: *clears throat*
We: *cackle a lot*

Becky: So, do we know what it is?
Me: I do.
The Male: She reads ahead.

Sam: Dad marked the area: possible hunting grounds for Phantom Attacker.
The Male: But we couldn't call the episode that because we already had a Phantom Traveller and that would just be silly.
Me: Aw dude, Dad wrote on the map? He has no respect for property. And look, up here in Utah: "Dad woz ere." Goddamn kids. And over here in Oregon, "for a good time, call..." oh, wait, I wrote that one.

Dean: You really know how to have fun, don't you, grandma?

And Sam just gives him this amused little smile. I love that. The relaxed comfort and ease of it. Dean doesn't get to him, cos it's just Dean, and he's just blathering, and Sam's all... I'm incoherent, but I find it lovely.

Sam: *puts journal down on car*
Me: And then the car alarm goes off.

Dean: *comes out of bar, looks at cat*
Me: Shit, Sam's turned into a cat. I hate it when that happens.

(So who's writing me that fic?)

Dean: Sam? Two beers and he's doing karaoke.

So who's written THAT fic? *G*

Kathleen: What's his name?
Dean: Sam Winchester.
Kathleen: Like the rifle?

OK, so, Sunday night we watched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen again, and there's the part where Quartermain's admiring Sawyer's weapon and they coo over the fact it's a Winchester. I giggled a lot, and the Male rolled his eyes at me. The same thing happened in response to that bit in the ep. *G*

Kathleen: So you know that his brother Dean died in St Louis, and was suspected of murder.
Me: Yep.

And may I say, kudos to the show for working that in and dealing with it and all.

Dean: Yeah, that Dean. Black sheep of the family. Handsome, though.
Me: *dies of giggles*

Dean: Your county has its fair share of missing persons...
The Male: And when you find him, you can thank your brother for giving you that little piece of info.

Sam: *is in a cage*
The Male: One point two metres by two, you reckon? He's down a mine in Tasmania!

Kathleen: This one was taken right after Sam left the bar.

So, the time on the photo is 1:07AM. And Sam's saying, "We need to get an early start?" (Ohgod, living with a full-time worker has SO put a crimp in my idea of late nights. I remember when 1AM was maybe-I-should-think-about-bed-soon, instead of holy-fuck!)

Sam: *is doing violent aerobics in the cage*
Me: *is bemused by hotness*
Guy in other cage: *moves*
Sam: You alive?
Me: Because that's actually a question that needs to be asked, in his business.
The Male: Braaaaains.
Sam: Where are we?
Me: In a CAGE, numbskull. I thought you were the smart one.

Jenkins: They're a bunch of hillbilly rednecks, if you ask me. Looking for love in all the wrong places.
Me: No fine girls, just ugly faces. From frustration, first inclination is to become a monk and leave the situation. But every dark tunnel has a light of hope.
The Male: Do you mind?
Me: So don't hang yourself with a celibate rope.
The Male: Advice Dean has taken to heart.

Kathleen: So Gregory, I ran your badge number...
Me: You are so busted.

Dean: Look into my eyes, and tell me if I'm lying about this.

That's all he's got? Fucking LAME, Dean.

Dean: And ever since then I've felt responsible for him.
Me: You ARE responsible for him.
The Male: He is ENTIRELY your fault.

Jenkins: *runs off into the obstacle course*
The Male: I had a dream like this once.
Me: Dark, dank, bloody and disturbing. No zombies though.
The Male: Yeah, it was a pretty good dream in the general scheme of things.

Jenkins: *screams*
Scream: *echoes all the way back to the basement*
The Male: Good lungs on him.
Me: Not anymore.

Kathleen: Shake on it?
The Male: Doo eet.
Kathleen: *handcuffs him*
Me: I see through her cunning ruse! Lure him out into the woods and then TIE HIM UP, yes, it all becomes clear now.
The Male: Projecting again?
Me: Shuttup.
Dean: *is totally handcuffed to the car*
The Male: So... if he gives it a hard yank right now, the alarm will go off.
Me: *expires under the weight of not saying something about hard tugs and bells ringing*

Incidentally, Madam Cop's eyes are SO COOL. With the dark rings around the irises? AWESOME. I like her lots.

Dean: I've gotta start carrying paperclips.

I totally missed that line the first time around because I was too busy flailing/giggling about the whole "she's known him five minutes and can already manage him" concept, along with the "Dean handcuffed!" business. But it's a hilarious and very apt line.

Missy: *answers the door*
The Male: She ran out of applesauce.

Kathleen: I just want you to look at a picture for a minute. Have you seen that guy?
The Male: Have you seen this boy?

Dean: *is distractingly pretty reaching for stuff*
Evil Car of Monsterness: *makes a lot of noise*
The Male: So, considering they're all about the ninje, wouldn't they have, I dunno, FIXED THE CAR?
Me: They're not very ninje.
The Male: They're pretty ninje. For Gaijin.

Dean: *frantically picks his cuffs*
Brothers: *see the car!*
Dean: *is no longer there, nor are the handcuffs, despite the fact that he was picking the cuff ON HIS WRIST*
Me: Oh, so they were INVISIBLE handcuffs.

Mostly I don't nitpick stuff like that. With this show it's a little like shooting fish in a barrel.

Kathleen: Are you Sam Winchester? Your cousin's looking for you.
Sam: Thank God. Where is he?
Kathleen: I, uh, I handcuffed him to the car.
The Male: And Sam dies laughing.
Door: *opens to admit Dean*
Me: Atta boy.
The Male: And Sam goes, "She handcuffed you to the car! AHAHAHA!"

Dean: Have you seen them?
Sam: Yeah. Dude. They're just people.
Dean: And they jumped you?
The Male: Do I have to bring up the part where you got handcuffed to the car again?

Dean: With our... usual playmates there's rules, patterns, but with people, they're just crazy.

Now, see, this is actually one of our big annoyances about this series and specifically the pilot. Yes, there are rules, but the things tend to break them, or bend them, or do stupid stuff that makes no sense. For instance, they usually pick up on the MoW because it's stepped up its body-count, generally for no good reason. ("Dead in the Water" wasn't even a good reason. Yeah, sure, the lake's going to cease to exist, but it's had THIRTY YEARS to get its revenge, what's with the procrastination? Better things to do? Didn't want to finish up and fade away to nothing until it found out who killed Laura Palmer?) And in the Pilot, how the hell could the Woman in White work her juju on Sam if he had not, actually, been unfaithful? Rules of existence should work like physics for these things, and the first person to mention quantum gets a smack upside the head.


Dean: *picks up implement of ouch*
Me: What the hell is that?
The Male: Hoe of some description.
Me: It's got a nail in it.
The Male: And it's STILL got a nail in it at night.

All-in brawl: *happens in the living room*
Me: At the risk of sounding like one of the family, Dean sure does bleed pretty.

Dean: I'm going to kick your ass first. Then yours.
Daddy Psycho: *clocks him with a skillet*
We: *die laughing*
Me: Debi, I'm in love with you!

Daddy Psycho: You ever killed before?

And Dean hedges. So he hasn't killed a person. I find this very, very interesting. For all his stoic well-then-he's-gotta-die attitude, he has yet to actually pull the trigger.

I wonder if Dad has. Because Dean has to get this modus operandi from somewhere. He knows that, sometimes, people have to die. And yet, he hasn't done it. Which suggests that, when there's killing to be done, Dad does it. And I bet he shields his boys from it, too, because there's teaching them, and then there's places you just never want your offspring to go. Ever. Especially if you've been there.

Daddy Psycho: Of course, only one or two a year. Never enough to bring the law down.
Me: Except for now. Because you bagged two in one week and what the fuck were you thinking?
The Male: Plot reasons.

Daddy Psycho: Looks like we're going to have a hunt tonight after all. And you get to pick the animal: the boy or the cop.
The Male: Sam. I pick Sam. He could take 'em easy. Let him out, give him a weapon, and by the time Dean's out of his restraints it'll all be over and we can be home in time for breakfast.

Brother Psycho: *unlocks the cage*
Sam: What are you doing?
The Male: Yeah, what is he doing? Wasn't he supposed to not let him out?
Me: Plot reasons!

Dean: I will kill you all!
Me: I know you will, baby!
The Male: Stop purring.

Sam: *pwns Brother Psycho*
Gun: *is jammed*
Sam: *throws it away*
Us: You idiot!
The Male: NEVER put down a weapon until you find a better one. Have first-person shooters taught you nothing?
Me: Two words for you, Sammy: pistol whip. And you were doing so well.

Remainder of the Family Psycho: *are discombobulated in the basement*
Me: *cackles* NOW the hunt's on.

Oh, they're actually in the barn, not the basement. OK, whatever.

Slightly ridiculous scenario in which Sam ducks and Brother Psycho shoots Daddy Psycho: *occurs*
Me: I thought shouting "Hey!" at it was Dean's trick.
The Male: It's a good trick.
Me: Of course, Dean then shoots the thing himself.
The Male: Sam does not do violence. He is peace, love and mung beans.
Sam: *beats the cream cheese out of Brother Psycho*
Me: Peace love and mung beans THAT, bitch.

Also, Sam's violence is very, very interesting. Whoever was talking with me about the difference in the brothers' violence-doing techniques, and Dean with the restraint and precision and Sam with the explosion? Word. It takes more out of him, and I think he quells it for that reason. He doesn't like it, he doesn't like it taking over him, and I'm just going to get out of control with this, so I'll move on.

Sam: *cleans up*
Me: One more for his team.
The Male: So the score is now Sam: 2, Dean: 563?

Kathleen: I'll watch this one, you go ahead.
Sam: *hesitates*
Kathleen: Go ahead!

So, Sam has got to know that Daddy Psycho is an ex-parrot when he walks out of there. And yet, he walks.

Sam's morals are so very, very negotiable, I tell you.

Dean: Don't ever do that again.
Sam: Do what?
Dean: Go missing like that.
Sam: *smirk* You were worried about me.
Me: Of course he was worried about you, you little twerp.

Sam: So you got sidelined by a thirteen-year-old girl, huh?
Dean: Oh shut up.
Sam: Just saying. You're getting rusty there, kiddo.
The Male: Plus--
Me: Yeah, yeah, handcuffed to the car.
Brothers: *slouch towards Bethlehem*
Me: I like them so much.
The Male: Yeah, OK, that was sorta good.

And yeah, it was. Very interesting with the "but they're just PEOPLE!" element. And yet, I found myself just not engaging with it as much as I could have. Part of it is a problem I have a little with the show overall - that being that we, the audience, find out and figure out things a whole lot sooner than they, the boys, do, which means that by the time they catch up, I'm bored with the concept and have little patience with the info-dump explanations. So when Dean's going, "What, it's all about hunting?" I was all, "YES, it's all about hunting, we've known that for the past half-hour, move on!"

I'm not sure they really plumbed the potential of that hunting theme, actually. The similarities and differences of what the boys do and what the crazy rednecks do. Some deep, core similarity, and the vast and immense differences, obviously, but since they throw around the word "hunting" so much, I thought they would've done something with that point. But no. Ah well.

Lots of violence. Some great atmosphere and sequences. We're pretty happy. And I'm trying to figure out a way of writing a fic where they come back for some reason, but mostly so that Dean and Kathleen can have teh hot responsible sex. I really like her.


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