What the fuck happened to that guy's head?

Apr 10, 2006 19:55

I can't even remember when I last checked the flist. Crazy weekend. Crazy week, in fact. I feel like I've been on the go since Wednesday. So little time for writing, which is sad, because I think I just sprained something and fell into a trilogy with my novel, have a big ole gen non-main character fic in progress that will further my quest to write the story no one wants to read, and am wrestling hard with recalcitrant menfolk in some other ficlets. (Why must they make it so hard when all I want - ALL I WANT - is to write porn so hot it makes people's brains explode? I don't ask much!)

In the meantime, speaking of postcards, which I was in a comment a moment ago: the Male just brought in the post and OMG bantha_fodder, you debauched a Bonds postcard! With fetish Hufflepuff femme! OMG! You are WIN.

In other win news, double Soup au natural tonight, including a new one, so I'm a happy girl. Getting my SPN brain on all day, and almost waded into some meta, before realising that rampant disagreement and being uncertain of one's welcome in the conversation to begin with do not a tranquil society make.

So if anyone needs me, I'll be on the couch, making my own brain explode in weapons testing and snarking with the Male. (He has actually been heard to utter the phrase, "No, no, we MUST watch it! I have a public to satisfy!")
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