I have a Plan. Now bring me a man so I can stick it to him.

Mar 09, 2006 16:21

OHgod, I need sleep. I just almost burst into tears all over some poor innocent Three call-centre guy. Obviously, the best cure for this is to write fic until two in the morning, but I can't, because the Male is bunking down in the spare room (where the computer is) while he's in the throes of Hideous Disease. So I might have to try going to bed early. This sounds far too radical to actually work.

I'm in a TIZZY, so I am. (And this is entirely apart from the lack of sleep thing.) The Americans - not least azewewish - are seeing Nochnoi Dozor, so I desperately want to write Olga stalking the Winchesters. (Or maybe the story where Olga knows she shouldn't shag Anton and does so anyway, on his her everyone's kitchen counters, but that's probably just because I want to prove to Brenda that she's cool not just because I Mary-Sue her, though I'm not sure how writing fic where she's brilliant proves this SHUTUP.) But I also want to write Dean-as-a-girl fic, because dude! Dean as a girl! And also because ethrosdemon is menacing me with a shoe. Plus, I have this idea floating around biting me where it's an AU five years after the War and Pansy is divorced and bitter and chainsmoking, but I appreciate that no one wants to read that but my sophrosyne31, and she's tootled off overseas.

Anyway, as if all of that weren't enough, I have a remix to write, because musesfool knows where I live. Also, I LOVE remixing, duh, who am I kidding?

So the plan is: coffee; nutella straight from the jar; iTunes with the bass turned up; at least three text files open at once. This plan should see me through until at least 9pm, when I predict the Male will come home and I'll realise I've died of starvation.
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