The Dee-Annotated Supernatural - Hook Man

Feb 21, 2006 10:13

So, I was sick and the Male was doing work in the other room and leapt onto the couch as the opening credits played, and most of the best snark happened at the commercials, but we tried our best. *G*

Amusing point: for the first time, there was a "this is rated M for horror" screen at the start. Every other week, it's kicked straight from the previous credits into the show, but this week, we get the rating screen. I was a little perplexed. Anyway.

Hook Man

What I most noticed about this week was how fluffy it felt in comparison with last week's serious-arse-Sam-shit double. This one felt a bit like treading water, though I suppose it could be construed as the first careful steps along Sam's recovery, after the hitting rock-bottom in "Bloody Mary". This was all snappy lines and hilarity, and while - as the Male points out - "Skin" was a bucket and a half of fun, there was also a solid base of Big Character Stuff in that show.

Anyway. I'm not complaining. I like it when Dean makes me crack up every six seconds.

Enter, stage left: Sorority house
Me: Now that's what I'm talking about!
The Male: Theta? That's economical, innit?

Roommate: There's a hot chick buried somewhere in there.
The Male: She says to a chick who looks like a model. Fuck off, sistah!

They gambol about in their room.
Me: Jesus, enough with the mirrors already!
The Male: More eye-explodey!

Hook Man looms out of the shadows as they're abortively making out
The Male: Your boyfriend's cactus.

Rich: *gets out of the car...*
Me: This is a Darwin Award, right here.
*...and stands in front of it*
The Male: Now... hit the gas!

Disembodied panel damage: *appears on car*
The Male: Didn't you watch the ads?
Me: Too busy perving on Ackles.

Chicky panics, locks herself in the car, cowers in the footwell, etc
Me: Or, you put the car in reverse and go.
The Male: If she survives this, I'm going to be so disappointed.

Chicky turns melodramatically, scopes the guy hanging over the car
Me: Put your back into it!
Chicky: *SCREAMS*
Me: Atta girl!

Dean: Your half-caf double-vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis.
Sam: Bite me.
The Male: Oh, I remember why we watch this show now.

OK, Dean's little notebook. I love it. Yes, I know I am the most guilty person in the world of having a notebook fetish - for which I blame the people who keep giving them to me - but hee! My only quibble is that it's a little... substantial. Like, it looks like one of those moleskin notebooks that set you back upwards of twenty-five bucks. I see Dean more as a "does it have paper in it? I'll take it" sort of guy.

But still. I like him and his notebook.

Dean: Dad would check it out.
Me: It's like a special breed of Winchester guilt-trip.

Ohgod, I just realised it's a Beamer that the guys are working on when Dean says "Nice wheels." *sniggers and cackles*

Dean: We're your fraternity brothers...
Me: *loses it* (His SMIRK. omG)

Dean: He's the artist.
The Male: I'mma paint you and all, bitch!
Me: *hasn't stopped laughing in five minutes*

Dean: You missed a spot. *makes imperious gestures*
Sam: *glowers*
The Male: No, seriously. You wanna wake up purple?
Me: *loses it again at Dean's almost-giggle*

Preacher-man: And my personal thanks as well, because I believe he died trying to protect my daughter.
The Male: And also, he died before he could get anywhere with her, so BOO-YAH.

Chicky: *makes meaningful eye contact with Sam in the church*
Me: The fuck? She's fast.

Roommate: We're going to do tequila shots and watch Reality Bites.
The Male: Yeah, forget about Rich, he's SO dead already.

Dean: *luring the Preacher-man away* Uh listen, we're new in town, and looking for a, ah, church group.
Me: So we can debauch them.
The Male: Is he setting his brother up?
Me: He's an AWESOME brother, remember?

Sam: That doesn't mean it wasn't real.
Chicky: *looks at him liek whoa*
Me: OMG, you're hot AND you believe me! Do me!

Dean: So you believe her?
Sam: I do.
Dean: Yeah, I think she's hot too.

Hook scratches on wall in sorority house lead to... girl doing essay in her room with an Avril Lavigne poster on the wall.
The Male: Well, she deserves to die.

Lori walks into room, sees roommate sleeping, doesn't turn on the light.
Me: Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?

Impala: *checks out the foliage with its new mounted flashlight*
Me: The fuck, where'd that come from?
The Male: Stuck it on.
Me: Yeah, and later, we're going roo-shooting.

Dean: *hands Sam a shotgun*
Sam: If it is a spirit, buckshot won't do any good.
Me: Roo-shooting, Sammy, I dun tole you.

Lori goes to bed.
Me: She leaves the door open?
The Male: She left it open while she was getting naked in the bathroom.
Me: Oh MAN, why don't we have greek houses in this country?

Lori wakes up, rolls over.
The Male: Your roommate's cactus.
Her roommate's cactus, carved across the stomach.
Me: Hey, shouldn't she be stuck to the ceiling or something?
The Male: When cursed characters collide!
Wall: Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?
Me: I'm brilliant!
The Male: Or this is predictable.
Me: Shuddup.

Dean talking Sam out of trouble with the cops is my new favourite everything. I was wondering how he got around the small issue of Sam totally handling that shotgun like he knew precisely what to do with it, and then I realised this is America. (I am surprised, though, that the cops didn't take more of a hardline on 'em, because I'm sure they must be as fucking fed up with fratboys and their stupid stunts as the cops in Canberra are with college students stealing roadsigns, red light cameras, traffic cones, real estate signs, park benches and phone booths.)

Cops: *come bursting out of the station*
Me: What, we're just walking here!
Cops: *take off with screaming sirens*
The Male: Ambulance chasers.

Dean: Dude, sorority girls. Think we'll see a naked pillow fight?

Hang on, hang on... Sam needs a leg-up, but Dean can climb up all by himself? That's it, Dean's officially the better of these two. (Says the climbing girl. *G*) And then the slithering in through the window - god I love this show. My giggles know no bounds. (Just what a sick girl needed.)

They skulk in the bathroom.
Me: Dude, we're in a sorority house! Cool!
They skulk into the bloodstained bedroom.
The Male: Ew. Not so cool.

Sam: I've never smelled ozone this strong before.
Me: You've never exploded your computer, have you?

OK, OK, hang on. Dean cares NOT AT ALL about getting that parking ticket. This leads me to a variety of questions, including who is the car registered to, and what happens when Dean gets pulled over and asked to show his license and registration? (When I was young, one of my overseas cousins came out backpacking, and he bought a car and Dad fixed it up and registered it, and six months after Oliver left the country, we were still getting parking fines from all over the country. Turned out he sold it to a pair of Germans and the registration never, ever got changed.)

Dean: Man, you've been holding out on me; this college thing is AWESOME.
Both of us: yuh-HUH.

Sam: What about you?
Dean: *eyes the party and the nubile blonde with the pool cue* I'm gonna go see if I can find that unmarked grave. *REGRET*
Me: Shiiiiiit.
The Male: Yeah.
Me: Dude, he awesome.
The Male: Yeah.

Noises off in the cemetary.
Me: No one in here but us chickens.

Dean: *illuminates Significantly Marked Gravestone*
The Male: So, when they said "unmarked", what they really meant was "totally fucking marked"?

Sam: *skulks outside Lori's house*
Me: I'm not a stalker.

Dean is neck-deep in a hole.
Me: Man, that's some GOOD digging there.
The Male: He got the crew to help.
Dean: That's it, next time, I get to watch the cute girl's house.
Us: *cackle*

Lori comes down and creeps up on Sam.
Me: Busted custard!
Lori: What are you doing here?
The Male: I'm not a stalker.
Lori: I think you're sweet, which is probably why you should run away from me as fast as you can.
Me: Because I got this whole Bronte schtick happening, it's not cool.

Lori: *mouths off a lot*
Me: She's a fucking psycho.
Lori: *hugs and snogs Sam*
Me: AND she's fast. my god!
Lori: *grr @ Dad*
Dad: *gets hooked*
The Male: AND a fucking psycho.
Sam whips the sawn-off out of his bag.
Me: *loses it*

Sam gets a heart for shooting from the hip. Yeah baby. *paws him* But I am now going to be making jokes FOREVER about "whipping out his sawn-off".

The big winner from this episode was our respect for Dean and Jenson Ackles, though. There were some beautiful facial expressions getting pulled out there, pulling the face at the cops at the hospital being the one that triggered me going, "He's great. He's really good." and the Male saying, "Unlike his brother, who went to the Orlando Bloom school of acting." Which made me snort ice-cream.

The finishing each other's sentences in this episode, though? SO CUTE. *squish*

Sam: If the hook were there, don't you think someone might have seen it? I mean, a blood-stained, silver-handled hook.
Me: We CLEANED it, you doofus.

Dean: Stay out of her underwear drawer.
The Male: Bet it's in her underwear drawer.

Dean: *burns everything*
Me: They are SUCH VANDALS.

Dean: *sends Sam to deal with Lori*
Me: OK, everyone needs to just CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
The Male: Especially you who say fuck you Ice Cube.
Me: Especially you.

Lori: They didn't deserve to be punished, I do.
Me: You reckon this is a whole teenage-girl emotional thing, like poltergeists?
The Male: I reckon she just needs to get laid.
Me: Dude, she's TRYING.

Lori gets yanked down the corridor.
The Male: Wheeee!
Me: My turn next.

Sam gets smacked across the room.
Me: That's a high ceiling, if Padalecki gets off the floor and doesn't come close to hitting the roof.

Dean: Sam, drop!
Sam: *drops*

Sam: *grabs Lori's cross*
The Male: Hey, you touched my breasts!
Me: You must be punished.

Dean: *hurls cross into fire*
Cross: *melts*
Me: That's not hot enough.
The Male: Nowhere near.
Both of us: PLOT REASONS.

Hook Man melts. Dean comes careening around the corner, then swaggers.
Me: Big brother saves the day. Again. You can thank me later.

Dean: *perves on Sammy and chick in the rearview*
The Male: snog, snog, snog
Sam: *walks away, gets into car*
Me: Dude, you're letting down Team Winchester!

They drive off, leaving her in the rearview.
Me: She survived.

In short: totally cousins el grande Dean love in this house. Plus, they've discovered the guaranteed way to piss an entomologist off: Have an episode called "Bugs" and in the teaser for it show a variety of spiders, beetles, and other crawlies. The Male was hilariously livid.


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