Stuff I read this week

Jan 06, 2006 10:36

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, azewewish! Another year with you; I'm so blessed. Writing yesterday proved entirely unworkable, so you'll just have to settle for my undying love. Mwah, baby.

Star Wars
"Never Thirst Again" by quigonejinn, who is the one person who can melt my brain with Qui-Gon, and specifically with Obi-Wan wanting it, rationalising it, desperate for it, so bad that I can taste it, just reading. Fucking brilliant. She is so the queen of this.

"Worse Than That" by eyebrowofdoom, because she's right, Lotrips represent, and this is a great example of all that was great in that fandom: Dom's mocking angst, Billy's inscrutable cuddliness, and Belinda's superb writing.

Olden but bloody fantastically good: ukcalico's "Ante", because omg Slytherinslash! Yes, considering my recent fetish for Blaise/Draco, it's no surprise I dug this up, surely. Because it's just like they should be: glorious and boyish and hot and edged and, because it's Cal, explicit and yet utterly perfect. Definitely one of my favourites of all time.

Also older: "How to Shag Your Most Hated Enemy and Still Feel Alright About it, You Know, Morally Speaking" by stellabelle (Harry/Draco), because shanalle recced it and I was curious about such an amusing title, and then I died laughing. A lot.

"Competitive Sport" by eyebrowofdoom, being Cruel Intentions slash with style, verve, plenty of spare change and a lot of oomph. It's sassy and sleazy and brilliant.

"Green-Eyed Monster" by azewewish, featuring the Affleck brothers, Joaquin Phoenix, Liv Tyler, and angst of a very good vintage. Brenda knows how to bring it just the way I like it, but also the Afflecks are brilliant; delightful, mouthy and edged.


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