Doom (surprisingly good)

Nov 06, 2005 10:13

The other day, lounging post-Nochnoi Dozor with sophrosyne31, a tram went past with the middle panel of its Doom poster upside down, so it said WOOD. We laughed a lot.

The best thing about seeing Doom last night was the V FOR VENDETTA TRAILER omg. Remember, remember the fifth of November (which, incidentally, we hadn't at all been saying all day. Nope. Not at all. *whistles*). Please note that this should not be seen as a reflection on the quality of Doom, it's just that OMG I WANT IT SO BAD. "Ideas are bulletproof." I just about had a fangasm in the theatre.


The Male and I were feeling ambivalent about this movie. There's always that faint cringe factor about a movie based on a computer game. But we got over our omfg-what? after the opening scene-set info-dump, and got into the fun. Though it took a little longer to stop comparing it to Resident Evil. There was no Milla. Milla would have made everything better. She has that power.

But, KARL. Karl helped a lot, even if he wasn't wearing a red mini-dress. Oh Karl, you big heroic lump, you are fabulous. I hope you do many more movies where you have kinky tension with your sister.


Alright, being moderately serious. It was a damn fun movie. I liked its sense of humour, I liked its collection of weirdo Marines (though I liked it better for that two seconds when I thought Goat just cut himself every time he fucked up). I was awestruck at the Rock's ability to bring subtlety of characterisation into this movie. It's like he and Karl were just quietly making a really good film while everyone else was making a mindless action blockbuster.

(And then Karl got to beat the shit out of him. I would love to hear Mr Urban's comments on this. "And then I got to go three rounds with the Rock, confident in the fact that I would win. I LOVE MY JOB." The Rock did a spinneroonie-thingy. The Male was hysterical with glee.)

The first-person action rendition of the game was brilliant. I was hyperventilating with delight. Putting a bullet in his reflection. CHAINSAW. Bwahaha. I want a super!Karl of my own. Please?

In short, helluva lot of fun. Yes, it's a movie based on a brainless violent computer game, but it does what it does really well. And that Rosamund Pike is getting a lot of work these days, isn't she?

They also showed us the Domino trailer. Yeah, OK, I still hate it for not being about the proper Domino, but it looks like fun.


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