Stuff I read this week

Sep 23, 2005 10:46

Damn good week for the fic-reading.


"Heart of Darkness" by sienamystic - a short sharp jab of an Angela who's got boundless anger inside that pleasant exterior, and has found a place where it's not only safe to let it out, it's appreciated. You know it's the truth.

"Les Invisibles" by guede_mazaka - the forging of Midnite. Strong-voiced, evocative, full of detail and sensory depth. Not to mention a John that is everything he should be and less (in the best way). Not my definitive vision, but a great read, and a good story.


"Radiance" by djinniyah - being more an artistic representation of poetry than a fic; H/D. Delicate and stark and beautiful and something different. There should be more something differents.

Star Wars

"When the long trick’s over" by _riz - a second part to her AUs, featuring pirate!Quinlan! *frolics* And, also, a beautiful hungover vision of men, men of the world, men who have grown together, entwined and apart, who are something beautiful and momentary and eternal. Tastyfish.

Untitled Quinlan Vos-ness by quigonejinn - being precisely that: a look at the shaping of Quinlan Vos, but also at the way in which Masters and Padawans work, education and shaping and so much more, amorphous but indelible. Fabulous.

"Sacrifice" by stella_belli - Padme, some moments of realisation, a bitter pill. A really great little fic, that slid straight past my burgeoning adoration of the love of Padme for Anakin and struck home.


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