I Should be Happy...

Nov 05, 2008 10:43

And I am, mostly. I'm glad Obama won the presidency, but I'm saddened and frightened by the fact that both Amendment 2 and Prop 8 passed. Now it is true that there was no chance Florida would ever defeat Amendment 2, but for Californians to amend their constitution to enshrine discrimination is beyond me. While Obama has been the most inclusive, LGBT-friendly candidate in our nation's history, his core supporters, African-Americans and Latinos, are among the most ardently homophobic people in the country. So the huge turn out of minority voters, while great for Obama, proved fatal to marriage equality. I can't really describe what it feels like to suddenly have your marriage be cast into doubt, to have a right suddenly be taken away from you because a bunch of bigots 3,000 miles away decided that I was threat to their children. I'm really scared they'll nullify my marriage. It's just an awful feeling. It's dismaying that I live in a country where people can simply vote to discriminate against you, to take your rights away and there's nothing that can be done about it; a country where right and wrong are not absolutes but rather twist in the wind of public opinion; a country where the dignity of human being can be put up for a vote. An injustice has just been made the law of the land in the State of California and now nothing short of a voter initiative to repeal the amendment can undo it. This is the United States of America, we just elected the first black president, we're supposed to be better than this.
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