Slashcon 08 Round-up

Jun 23, 2008 21:35

Sorry for the delay in posting this -- darn that RL work getting in the way of my fannish pursuits. Anyway, if you have info to add, or a link to a con report, please leave it in comments. That way this post will become a handy masterlist.

Rec the Reccers
Workshop Resources

I need the links for these, please.


Coming Soon!

Fic Recs and Masterlists

I need info and links for some of these.

Vidshow List

You should be able to find nearly all of these recced in rec_room (or on the new delicious feed, and there's a link above). If the vid isn't specifically recced, the author may still be linked through another rec. I plan to update with the newer recs later this week. Let me know if you still can't find anything.

ETA: Hi vidders! If you've been directed here and are wondering why no-one contacted you before the con, it's because the vidstream wasn't formally programmed, but was a "bring your favourites and share" situation. None of us knew what would be shown until the night. That setup worked out really well, and all the vids were very well received.

300 Vogue, luminosity
ALIAS Mambo Italiano, Charmax
ANGEL Whatever, Luminosity and Sisabet
ANIME (MULTI) Mitternacht, pwolf
ANIME (METROPOLIS) Urban Ragnarok, TheFinalAct
ANIME (PRINCESS TUTU) Hold Me Now, alkampfer81
BOSTON LEGAL Midnight Confessions, maidavids
BOLLYWOOD Different Kind Of Love, Danvers
BOND Holy Egoism Of Genius, kanzeyori
BSG Cuz I Can, dualbunny
BSG More Human Than Human, Luminosity
BSG My Vampire Heart, beccatoria
BtVS Tragedy, dualbunny
DANGER MOUSE Groove Is In The Heart, frivolity65
DEXTER Twist, special_trille
dS Zebra, shalott
FARSCAPE Dying Day, drgnfille
FIGHT CLUB Cells, obsessive24
FFLY Post Blue, obsessive24
FFLY Vertigo, tallulah71
GET SMART Secret Agent Man, Mary&Paul
HERCULES Holding Out For A Hero, Mary Crawford
HERO Sunburned, kanzeyori
HP Maneater, jarrow
INCREDIBLES One Angry Dwarf, AbsoluteDestiny
LOIS & CLARK That's All, obsessive24
GILDA Rock Steady, aycheb
MULTI Bionic, tallulah71
MULTI Jet Li Retro, AJs
MULTI Walking on the Ground, seah_margie (aka flummery)
MULTI Zombie Jamboree, giandujakiss
NCIS Be Somebody, tearful-eye
NIP-TUCK Meds, Destiny
PROS Detachable Penis, Media Cannibals
RPF Piece of Me, obsessive24
SG1 Fun With Guns, jaffatech
SG1 Talk Show Host, synecdochic
SGA-1 Cartoon Heroes, Mamoru
SGA Absolutely Cuckoo, zoetrope
SGA Ambushed, newkidfan
SGA Black Fingernails, Red Wine, obfreak
SGA Bohemian Like You, shalott
SGA Catch Me If You Can, Gater
SGA Dreams, newkidfan
SGA Duel, vixen-logic
SGA Hot, (vidder unknown)
SGA Jolene, ZoeRayne
SGA King of the World, cesperanza
SGA Men of Devotion, chayiana
SGA My Brilliant Idea, Lim
SGA Petty Theft, sandrainthesun
SGA The Tree, newkidfan
SGA The Meaning Of Life, Obfreak
SPN Rockafella Skank, kiki miserychic
SPN/BOONDOCK SAINTS Broyay, angstslashhope
SPN RPS Bohemian like you, (vidder unknown)
SPN Women's Work, Luminosity and sisabet
SV Freestyler, obsessive24
SV Short Skirt Long Jacket, talitha78
SW Back in Black, Smutcutter
TREK (ENT) Wherever You Will Go, chatnoir
TREK (TNG) Footloose, SDWolfpup
TREK (TOS) Closer, TJonesy and Killa
TS This Kiss, dkwilliams
TW Papa Don't Preach, fan-eunice
V FOR VENDETTA Angel Of Anarchy, SarahtheBoring
WHO Blink Trailer, diapadme
WHO Boulevard of Broken Songs, hollywood
WHO Prelude to War, hollywood
XENA Boom Boom Ba, Charmax

There were a couple of others shown, from other people's archives, but I stupidly didn't note down the information. If you have it, please let me know.

TV Recs

New Series: The Fixer; ReGenesis; Middle Men; True Blood; Fringe (recced by special_trille)

Old Series: Princess Tutu (recced by cupidsbow); Donald Strachey Mysteries (recced by the songvid stream :)

Movie Recs


fic_adopt: a way of swapping plot bunnies. (recced by mynxii)

* * *

Attendance List

Organisers: chaosmanor, cupidsbow
Guest of Honour: angstslashhope

ascetic_hedony, bardiegrub, black_samvara, callistra, chaosarrived, dragonfly8, fred_mouse, lauredhel, lizbyrd, maharetr, manic_pixie700, mynxii, not_nele, purrdence, ravenclaw_harpy, Sam, special_trille, zebra363.

This list is currently incomplete, because I am lame and have forgotten some handles. Please let me know who is missing.

Con Reports
* * *

fandom, reading, links, slashcon, recs

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