Slash fic: "Mnemonic" by cupidsbow

May 16, 2006 10:41

Title: Mnemonic, or Four Ways John Sheppard Didn't Lose His Mind
Author: cupidsbow
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Warning: Some dark themes (I know that's vague--they're implied rather than overt)
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowed.
For: svmadelyn's Cuff 'Em, Vamp 'Em, or Just Make 'Em Come Already Kink and Cliché Multi-Fandom Read more... )

fiction, sga

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Comments 119

shusu May 15 2006, 20:41:36 UTC
I'm sitting here swearing at the computer with the filthiest language I know because there are no words for how magnificent and riveting this is. Literally cannot close my mouth. I'm a little burned out on long-fic that promises and a lot and doesn't deliver quite as much, and this. This is visceral and complex and I don't think I'll stop thinking about it for at least another day.


cupidsbow May 15 2006, 20:50:27 UTC
What a wonderful comment! Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed "Mnemonic." As it wasn't beta-read, I was a little worried some of it might not work, and you've eased my mind. <3


fenris_wolf0 May 15 2006, 21:09:35 UTC
Er. Wow.


cupidsbow May 22 2006, 11:16:05 UTC
Thank you!


cesperanza May 15 2006, 22:19:06 UTC
This is wonderful, wonderful stuff; I've read it three times already. It just keeps getting better. What great, gruesome glimpses (pardon my alliteration) into these four fantastic futures. Wow. Any one of these is the premise of a novel I would read in a heartbeat!


cupidsbow May 22 2006, 11:17:00 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. When I saw your comment, I had a bit of a fangirl!squee moment. Your work has given me so much joy, so it felt really good to know I'd given you some in return.


kudra2324 May 15 2006, 22:22:25 UTC
this is exquisitely constructed. it sounds silly, but i sometimes tend to be wary of "4 things that didn't" constructions that don't have that "and 1 thing that did" tag at the end because i'm concerned that they'll feel unfinished, but this felt perfectly balanced, and i adore your imagery at the end, of john kissing rodney as though he doesn't already remember how it will feel. gorgeous, and heartbreaking.


cupidsbow May 22 2006, 11:19:29 UTC
Thank you so much for the lovely feedback.

I did actually have an idea for another story (my favourite of the 10 I brainstormed), but in the end I decided it was a) too dark to fit in with the others, if you can believe that, and b) I couldn't work out any way to do it in 1,000 words. I love it though, so I may try to write it up anyway.


kudra2324 May 23 2006, 03:59:10 UTC
I decided it was a) too dark to fit in with the others, if you can believe that

just don't forget to post the "this may make you weep" warning if you write it and put it up :).

more seriously though, i'd be intrigued to read that - i can't imagine what else you dreamed up.


luthien May 15 2006, 22:44:15 UTC
Whoa. These are all really effective by themselves, but together they really pack a punch. There's an ominous feel overlaying the whole thing that just kept that twinge going in the back of my mind the whole time I was reading. And, speaking of which, I need to read it all over again now.

Thanks. This is really great writing and I like it a lot.


cupidsbow May 22 2006, 11:21:33 UTC
Thank *you* for letting me know how much you enjoyed them. And I know exactly what you mean by "that twinge going in the back of my mind" and I can't tell you how excited I was to know I managed to create that feeling! I love that. The very first book I ever read by Stephen King was The Dead Zone, and it made me feel that so hard I cried these silent tears all the way through the book. So your comment is, like, the ultimate compliment. Thank you.


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