Title: Real Time
cupidsbowFandom: Dogma
Pairing: Loki/Bartleby
Rating: NC-17
j_crew_guy, I hope you like it.
Length: 1,200 words
Disclaimer: Dogma doesn't belong to me, and nor does the Bible. Please take this story in the spirit in which it's intended: as an affectionate riff on a work of satire.
Notes: This was written for the Afflection Remix 2005;
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I've often wondered if I didn't quite nail it, but I can't bering myself to get too het up about it--this story was so interesting to write; I actually re-read the Bible before writing it, and I was surprised by some of the things I found. And the Psalms! I'd forgotten how lovely some of them are! So the story is something of a favourite of mine. Thanks again for letting me know you enjoyed it.
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