Title: Daredevil's Dilemma 4
cupidsbowFandom: Afflection
Pairing: Matt Damon/Ben Affleck
Rating: R
For: Flist 200 celebration.
Thanks: To
fran_de_sales and
vegetariansushi for the superfast beta-reads, and excellent feedback.
Disclaimer: 100% make believe.
Previous Episodes:
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3.
Daredevil's Dilemma 4 )
This is very, very well-handled. I like it a helluva lot.
I have Harry Potter bandaids Hee hee! *is five*
It feels very real and natural - not the instantaneous one-kiss-converts-from-straight-to-gay slash that's often written. They just act like guys, and that's so good.
I like the out of synch structure, too - it creates a lot of extra oh-noes-it's-going-to-turn-out-badly tension.
*licks fic* Realistic denial is so my crack, even if it's Afflection. Mmm.
*<3s you OMG*
Although obviously I have an ego the size of a small moon, because I thought more people might have things to say about this ep.
At least I can reply to everyone properly without feeling overwhelmed :)
I like the out of synch structure, too - it creates a lot of extra oh-noes-it's-going-to-turn-out-badly tension.
You know, the more I write, the more I'm falling in love with non-chron. Did you see BSG last night--the Starbuck episode? Brilliant, brilliant writing!
*feels a fic coming on*
No BSG here - NZ! Out of synch with you, alas!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3!
Oh, I know. Believe me, I've long since given up trying to work out what people leave feedback for. There seems no rhyme or reason to it. I've written stories I was *sure* were gonna get spammed with comments, and they got barely a handful. Others I expected to sink without a trace got two pages worth.
I just thought this one might get the type where people were chatty--not so much with praise, but just engaged. You know? (But then, I thought that about Elijah's Collection 3 as well. Ha. So, so wrong!)
And I was right about DD4, for once... I just thought it'd be seven or eight people, rather than four :)
Anyway my philosophy on comments is: it's always nice to get 'em, but don't worry if you don't. It's all about the joy of the writing.
No BSG here
That's such a shame. I thought you might have it in sync with us (so much is ;). When it gets there, have a look. I'm loving it.
*clings back like extra-tough Glad Wrap*
And I kinda lured someone into reading Matt/Ben the other day. Linked them to your fic and recs. I believe she's planning to write some. <3
Yay. Go you with the fandom pimping!
*tattoos love on you*
*so there! one-up that, ho*
*puts microchips encoded with love under your skin*
I surrender!
I accept your surrender. My first command, as your new Overlord of Fangirlish Love, is to finish writing the Lotrips and Afflection stories you promised me.
*cracks whip*
I obey your wishes, Overlord. [Overlady?] I'll probably post something tomorrow. This moment, it is St Patrick's and I'm a bit fuzzy! As I've probably made obvious, whoops. And I'm going out soon! But tomorrow, SOMETHING.
*<3s OMG*
*rubs hands in expectant Overlordly glee*
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