Sep 30, 2004 19:28
After the surprising popularity of the up the duff poll (I didn't think that many of you were interested in Matt and Ben, not to mention mpreg), I'm feeling all poll-y. So here's another one, asking the crucial question, if you could live forever would you want to?
Poll who wants to live forever?
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Comments 8
But if you mean living the same life, as the same person, forever, then no. Life without death would be kind of pointless, really. Where's the incentive to enjoy it? Eternal life would take the value out of everything.
She once joked me that she would eat ANYTHING if it help her to live longer, healthier. I said, "Well, I don't want to live forever. If you are live long, healthy life, that's good - but what happiness without your friends, loved ones?"
That's my answer for your poll. I don't want a life without my loved ones. :)
Assuming that my body stays somewhere in the range of late-20's, early-30's I'd be pretty happy to live for a really long time, exit point of my own choosing. I'd love to be able to have a good bite of doing everything, including my long held dream of zero-gravity sex.
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