"Your not a man of God until you seriously questioned his existance" -Father John

Aug 21, 2006 21:25

So this is going to be a half Abe like journal entry (pointless and confusing) and half Abraham entry (seriously concentrating on a single topic) for two reasons. A) I have things that I want to talk about, and B) I have things I feel I need to say in reply to Austins entry(s) on christianity.

A) So today I spent almost all of my time either playing through Fable for the second time (This time as a baby punching psychopath) and working in the yard with Ventru. Since there is nothing to really talk about on the Fable topic, let me tell you of the amazing adventure that is the 40 square feet of shrubry in the back right corner of my yard. Damage report: Dust in my everything, I swallowed a bug, and nearly opened up my lower leg with a weed wacker (Thank you boots, you have saved me once again!) funny enough though, we worked for about 3 hours wacking, smacking, slashing and crushing...and nothing has changed...its almost like nature reclaimed the very ground we had just raveged as we moved deaper into the green void. We'll get another mechete, a brush hog, some poison, and some sort of fire-spewing device and try again tommarow afternoon.

B) In reply to all this religion stuff. I, through experience, do not like the christian masses nor the ideals set fourth by the religion. This makes about as much sense as a skinny fat kid, because I myself am Catholic, considered a branch of the christian faith, and that a majority of my closest friends (including one of my very closest compadres) are active christians themselves. I have no desire to into depth on the subject, but I will say that in the past (that is to say, not only a thousand years ago, but as recently as right now somewhere in the world) there were the christans that think that their thinking is absolute trying to convince all around them that all the things they do are wrong and that God is the only right. Well, anybody with the senses of a toddler will tell you that nobody is right %100 of the time. People of large religions like Christianity have a bad habit of blaming a group for the worlds problems. Gays, People of color, Other religions, Music, Video games, Tv, Movies, and they push us to eliminate these "Sins against God". But how is our eliminating in the name of God any different from a Muslim walking into a building and blowing himself up to right what he feels is sins against his God.
Why do I have such harsh feelings toward Christianity? Its not so much that I hate it, it is that I hate what it is becoming. Christianity's ranks include some of my most treasured people, but many of the people in between are of less then honorable ideals. I hate what Christianity is becoming because of those people; it is changing from a religion for giving people faith and hope, to a hate group, giving people a guide on who to target and how to best deal with that which they dont agree.
And that is what I think Christianity is, and is becoming.

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