
Jan 05, 2006 19:46

An ex of mine is becoming slightly weirder and weirder by the day. For instance, he just called me and asked if I had been hit by a train, being prompted to do so by a "hillarious vision" he had. Yea...If I up and vanish randomly you all know who to ask first. JC Out.

New York is looking hot. It'll cost about 200 dollars roundtrip plus any money I spend there. I'm staying with a friend so there's no need for a hotel. Sounds like a very very cool trip.

I was supposed to buy books today. I was supposed to go get my check from my uncle today. I was supposed to go visit a friend in Plainfield. Instead of doing all these things I slept in until 2pm, a habit that's been growing on me this week, and did nothing at all all day. I'm going to blame it on my being sick. That is all.
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