Apr 01, 2005 14:06
So me and Katie have been non-stop boy patrolling on the beach since monday afternoon.It's so flippin awesome being with her again.Monday we went to the beach,rode around down town,met up with a bunch of our really HOTT friends and then hung out with some other people at katies house while we were getting ready to go see Daniel and Brett at Barnes&Nobel,then we went riding with them in Brett's super hott black mustang got out then we went to a party,the cops came so we left(oh man sterling baker's parents called my dad telling him that I was there and so did tyler's mom i didn't get in trouble though by him b/c i didn't drink)then we had some kids come over to katie's house and we watched a movie.Tuesday we got ready to go to the beach hung out there for like the whole flippin day,oh before that we went to wendy's with Derek and this guy name Kyle wow are they hott!After the beach Katie took me home and went to work,then after she got off at 10pm she came over and spent the night.Wednesday we went to the beach and stayed there until 4,then picked up Ely and Randy from baseball practice,took them home,went to my house,got dressed and left,went to pick Ely and Randy up,went to marble slab,then hooters,went to the beach hung out with katie,Ely,Randy,Justin,and my husband Mark,left there and went to Ely's house then got to my house at midnight.Thursday went to Jax to get Katie's car fixed,then got to the beach at 11 we hung out until 3 then katie took me home b/c my mom was flippin out on me,katie left,and that has been my spring break so far.Today I am taking a rest and then tomorrow I hanging out with Katie!yeah!so I hope everyone is having a awesome spring break I know I am.And I hope all of you haven't done too many things that you regret!well i'm out.Later on...