
Oct 27, 2009 20:35

I feel like death warmed over at the moment.  I should be happily enjoying my time off and freedom from school instead I am sick in bed and watching way to many zombie movies.  I'm starting to relate to the zombies....I feel like death and probably look about as good as they do.  I'm just hoping beyond hope this has nothing to do with the flu.

Currently I am scanning all of my architecture work for my portfolio.  I have a long 'to do' list before my looming January 1st graduate school deadline.  I also have to study for my GRE, nag several of my professors for recommendations, and write an essay.  If I can get this stupid portfolio done before Thanksgiving I'll be in good shape.  If only it would stop raining long enough for me to haul my precious papers up to kinkos for scanning.  Its been raining here so much I haven't even been able to pick up my degree.

*crawls back into bed*