Jan 03, 2011 10:05
The only reasonable New Year's Resolution I can come up for myself is-
Learn to walk in high heels.
I have three pairs of high heel shoes- that are not outrageously high, either, and one of the is even a wedge style. The other two are ~not~ thin heels, either. All of them were gotten for attending/participating in weddings, and wearing them was sheer torture. (And they were all ditched for dancing at the reception, afterwards.)
But just walking in them was something I had to concentrate on. Nevermind the pain of my body going 'what are these alien things you've strapped to your feet?'- new shoes are new shoes.
Thus, I want to get used to wearing them, and walking in them, until its not a thing I have to pay attention to doing! And in the process, hopefully get used to wearing them. (Plus, spening money on anything to use it only once- at least something like shoes- just grates. And they're all ~nice~ looking shoes as well!)
So, we'll see. Also cross your fingers that there isn't a post soon, going "well, stuck at home with a sprained ankle/worse..."