
Feb 04, 2010 13:57

I'll start this now, with the fair warning that I won't be able to answer it until tonight (unless I have time while at work to do so on my phone).

Pick anyone of my characters, then give me a random canon that isn't theirs, and I'll tell you how they'd fit in, what they'd be doing, and so on, as if they were in that canon.

I love pan-fandom crossovers, so!

My characters: Laini, Joris, Wellard- and go for some of my retired/deleted ones as well, if you want.

Canons- are a lot. Most of you know what I watch/read- if not, I can either look up the canon or ask you!

ETA: and of course, post this in your own LJ if you feel like it, so I can ask the same of you!

milliways, star's brain, if you have to ask, rpg, meme

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