Dec 19, 2009 17:58
Haircut: Done! And awesomely so. They have a new teacher at the place who reminds me of Danny from CSI:NY. He gets many bonus points for using the term 'occipal bone' (which I am prolly not spelling/saying right) while explaining how to cut an A-line bob to the student.
Phone: Gotten! Though the customer service at the in-mall store sucked. I basically got the phone number to the department that handles insurance and replacing phones. The rep at the store did not bother to listen to me explaining what I wanted. *mutter* On the way home I decided to stop at the Verison store near a Starbucks that I knew about- the rep there was helpful and listened, helped me figure out my options, and was also patient while my dad had to figure out how to authorize me on the account so I could get what I wanted-
Which is a Blackberry Pearl, with internet. Email! Facebook! Twitter! ... Ok, so I'll have to get accounts for those last two. Which I'll see about doing, after the phone is charged so I can fiddle with the features and learn how to use it. I'll have to figure out a nifty new name for it, as my old phone, Jamie* is certainly broken and will be packed away until we have enough stuff to drop off at an e-waste site.
*Of course now, They may take over reality as we know it, but- New Phone! It's all good.
But atm, enough of the 21st cent- I have a hat to finish crocheting as a gift for a coworker, and then time to frog the knit cotton tank, re-figure the pattern to do it on circulars, and maybe start it. >_> Maybe while sitting by the fireplace, even.
geek is in the blood,
if you have to ask,
i wanna be a hippie girl,
state of the star,
crafty star,
modern society,
things have been done!,
homeward bounders