I have been having a real social life lately!
(I know, it scares me too.)
kitttieluv and
freemage were out visiting her family from Chicago, so there was dinner on Friday night, as well as hanging out in Little Tokyo with Freemage on Sat while Kitttie had Family Things. There was quite a bit of shopping in Little Tokyo on my part- which reminds me, I have a couple of packages to get sent off this week. (These ones are actually time sensitive!)
As for tonight, my manager's band is having some sort of CD release party, a concert-type thing in a club/restarant in Uptown Whittier- I have no idea what it is exactly. I am not really into this sort of stuff, but... she specifically asked if I'd be able to come, AND worked the schedual around so I'd have it free. (Thus the opening shift this morning. *wry amusement*) Also, Work Crush is going to be at this shindig. >_> Meaning he gets to see me in nice, non-baggy, non-work clothes, so... I think those are quite a few good reasons to go!
Currently I am still the main Closing Shift Lead at the store- this next week I have rather long shifts, but thankfully my two days off are broken up, giving me a bit more of a break. (Dealing with adults who throw temper tantrums like four year olds takes it out of you- 5 days straight of that wears on me VERY quickly.)
Bleh. I do miss being around online, RPing, and writing. I'm going to have to do some schedual fiddling to somehow manage to do this! (Specially since Freemage and I had fun talking about our old online RPG, which lead to me trying to get him into Milliways- and then me going 'omg, I have threads to tag and fun plots to do/finish!'. Have patience with me, please!)
And now it is time to figure out appropriate makeup for going out to a club. *makes face* Catch y'all on the flip side.