(no subject)

Sep 20, 2008 13:10

One thing I really dislike about working nothing but closing shifts at work? (Asides from not being able to spend some time online when most of my friends are on, grrrr.)

Is that it keeps pushing my sleep schedual back. *eyes the time wot she got up at* Particularly considering I have an extra long shift at work today- I'm mostly just getting up, doing a few chores around the house, and then heading off to work. Meh.

Further work updates- Aaron did, finally, get fired. *shakes head* He had been skating on thin ice for a while, and the few times he was just about to be fired before, he brought up enough 'reasonable doubt' to stave it off. Not this time. And considering I had told him many, many times before, that partners have been fired for giving and getting free drinks to fellow coworkers off the clock, and that it was a stupid way to get fired? *sigh* At least he is young enough that this can fall under 'stupid teenage things', and if he learns from it, it won't make that much of a dent in his future.

Ryan*, the shift lead who was in on this situation is also no longer working with us. She was going to be fired tommorrow, but turned in her resignation today- which will prolly work out better for her all around. Eh. However, she was the other main closing shift lead at work, asides from myself, which means I'm going to be the primary closer until we get Brian trained. He is thankfully a re-hire, and had been a shift lead as well, so the training is much more like a refresher course for him. He's awesome at work, and all other partners who've heard that he's being promoted have been pleased with the news- he's a hard worker, and good with people. Let's just hope his training goes by fast.

*Ryan=female. Her two older siblings got to name her, which is how she got stuck with a 'traditional' male name.

as the coffee brews, coffeeslinger, bitchfest, state of the star

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