Late easter bunny? LOL
I want to do a Rabi~en~Rose cosplay, I will probably use different bunny ears though.
I bought this cute pink polka dot costume dress from
I'm also starting to miss my black hair :( Thusly, I BOUGHT ANOTHER WIG!
A long straight black one, I can't wait for it to get here ; - ;
After 2+ months of not seeing eachother, I finally got to see my boyfriend and really hug him ❤
It felt so surreal, and it still does.
We were at church and I was sitting in my car with my friend when he pulled into the parking lot.
My heart started beating fast and I started getting nervous,
just like how it was 3 years ago when we weren't dating yet, but we had mutual feelings for eachother.
Back then, everytime I saw him or came close to talking to him I'd run away and hide somewhere.
It was so silly, we could only talk on the phone but in real life, I was just too shy.
It felt like that all over again today ; - ;
When he got out of his car, instead of running towards him like I'd usually do, I was caucious, and stood back just waiting for him.
Then when he hugged me and spun me around I started crying :(
I had to take a picture to make sure it was real.
this is a really bad picture XD my eyes were still red and I cried off my makeup haha
but its the first picture we took after not seeing eachother in awhile.
long distance relationships are so hard :(
Last Friday was our 31'st monthiversary lol crazy.
I took about a handfull of photos, I'll post the rest later :D