Hey guys, don't really post here that much anymore I'm way more active over at my simblr: simbury.tumblr.com, so if you wanna follow me there for pictures etc; would be super appreciated!
But I thought I'd do a round up post of the things I have made recently with you :)
This is a SUPER picture heavy post, please be warned! First there is 3 toddler outfits. AAS Regency toddler coat for females and Christmas dress for females in CuriousB colours and 6 recolors of a nightlife mesh for males, using textures from AAS.
Secondly a bunch of AAS refits onto meshes by Liz, Trapping, Yplum, GodLimpingBy and Sussi. And some of Heget's18th century dresses fitted onto Liz and Trappings meshes.