Refits galore!

Oct 29, 2013 13:34

This is going to be an incredibly long post, so I am going to hide it under a cut.

All of these come in Adult and Teen versions, not all have the mesh included but if you have downloaded any of my other refits you will have the two meshes you need for the most part.

The only one that will be a little different will be a riding habit, which uses a beautiful adult and teen mesh by Dicreasy that I highly suggest you grab. It is not included in the rar files.

Also a huuuuumungous thank you to Vuokkosims for agreeing to do ALL of the previews. I am so lazy when it comes to previews, she totally saved the day.

So first of all, some sleepwear! These use textures from AAS victorian sleepwear, refit and mashed around to suit my needs.

Download for Adults and Teens

Secondly, some more Lidiqnata refits. I've included teen versions of the adult spencers I refit last time as I totally forgot them. Plus, there's also a new spencer and a beautiful orange formal dress.

Download for Adults

Download for Teens

Part the Third: These are very basic, but I thought if I wanted them someone else may too.
I've removed the gloves and jewellery from some of Liz's dresses and some of Oepu's.
I like using these as Everyday, but they were a bit too fancy for my middle class ladies with the gloves and jewellery.
They make wonderful morning dresses :)

Oepu for Adults

Oepu for Teens

Liz for Adults

Liz for Teens

Some more AAS refits for our ladies, an orange dress that I adore putting on my Caroline Bingley sim and two of the older Ballgowns.

More AAS for Adults

More AAS for Teens

So I used to love Sussi's historical clothing. Back in like 2008/2009 I thought they were amazing.
Now I can see the issue with her regency meshes that these textures came on though (cone boobs AHOY!), but I couldn't let them go, so I put them on my favorite meshes ever.

You've already seen them in some of the pictures above, so have some links.

Sussi for Adults

Sussi for Teens

I also finished off the refits of Airdrie's Sense and Sensiblity set.
These have also been previewed above, but have another!

Download for Adults and Teens

And finally, the last thing I have to share here today is a refit of one of AAS rococo textures mashed onto Dicreasy's riding habit mesh.
This was pretty much made for my own personal use, but I thought I would include it for completeness.

Download for Adults
Download for Teens

I'll have some Regency Underwear up very soon for Victoria and George's community project, watch this space!
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