I picked up The Old Republic yesterday

Sep 09, 2012 20:00

I've been playing it for the last day or so (with the exception of a few hours off for sleep and food. :p ), and here are my thoughts:

- BioWare appears to willfully engage in deceptive marketing practices. They claim that the game comes with a 30-day subscription, but when I went to activate it, the game required me to sign up for a recurring subscription before it would even let me launch the game. Ass. Holes. Thankfully I could just use my PayPal account and cancelled the sub immediately after I verified that the game was running, but seriously. Fuck you, BioWare.
- Either the server I was on (Canderous Ordo) or my internet connection tends to get laggy all the time. :-(
- I think I've played enough to work out most of my whininess and inexperience at playing MMORPGs-ness. Fingers crossed that I remember everything, though.
- Started off as a Smuggler. Am quite fond of Corso Riggs thus far. :p Am trying the Scoundrel route to see if it works for me.
- Have yet to get far enough to be able to select my "Legacy Name," though, but I am at level 15. I really need to find that trainer on Coruscant. Oh, that brings me to another point...
- ... I hate the fact that I can't just level up my skills on the fly. Having to track down a trainer to get new skills is really friggin' annoying.

So, which servers do you fine folks play on? Any tips for a new player? :-)

star wars: the old republic

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